Tripping Down Memory Lane
The last few work days have seen me visiting innumerable websites of software vendors and service providers in the commodity trading and risk management space. Here I am sat in my apartment in Prague visiting the sites of all of the companies dotted all over the world and for 90% of these companies I have done some sort of business with them. Each site conjures up a whole bunch of memories going back 20+ years of people and places. It makes me feel somehow sad that so much time has passed and yet glad that I was lucky enough to visit these places and interact with many of these people. I was just visiting the website of a company in Calgary, Alberta. I used to visit Calgary and Vancouver perhaps
Read More »Top of The Pops and Santa
When I was a boy TV’s had curtains and a strange silver dot that lasted for ages after you switched off. The only phone I was familiar with was a big black hard plastic thing in the hall with a rotary dialer in metal. Once, I picked it up and dialed a number at random marveling at that slow click, click, click sound it made as that rotary moved slowly back. Santa Claus answered and we had a great chat until my Mother found me and took the phone off me. Shame, I was just telling Santa what I wanted for Christmas too, My Mother told me I shouldn’t talk to strangers – I didn’t think Santa was a stranger! I remember the radio. It was a big black thing
Read More »Press Announcement – The Last Observer: A Magical Battle for Reality by Dr. G. Michael Vasey now Available for Pre-Order
Prague, May 23rd, 2013, The Last Observer: A Magical Battle for Reality is Dr. Vasey’s ninth book and first fantasy thriller novel. Due to be published by Roundfire Books, an imprint of John Hunt Publishing on August 30th, 2013, it is now available to pre-order at and other online booksellers. It features a foreword by Anthony Peake, an author of several best-selling books that focus on near-death experience, deja vu and the nature of reality. The Last Observer is a compelling tale of magic, alternative realities, murder and conflict. An ordinary man is abruptly dragged into the middle of a violent struggle between black and white magicians who both desireto use his extraordinary powers of imagination and observation. He soon learns that reality is not at all what it
Read More »Meet Zeltan
Zeltan is the leader of a black magic lodge in the The Last Observer. His intent is to change reality – our reality – to something different, something evil and sinister. A reality also desired by his master – the Lord of the Elements. Zeltan’s Lodge of the Elements consists of rich, powerful and famous people who use their powers to to get richer, stay powerful and be more famous. The Lodge is loosely modeled on the satanic FOGC Lodge from Franz Bardon’s Frabato. In fact, there is quite a bit of Bardon influence in the book. As Gordon Strong says in his review “We all perceive reality differently, yet the evil Zeltan plans to control the universal consciousness. Because Stanley possesses a unique imagination, he is marked as another
Read More »The Big Questions
There are moments when I wonder what this is all about. By this, I mean life. I woke up this morning and brought with me into waking consciousness something of my dreamworld. A feeling that I am only dreaming. That this is simply not real. Its a feeling I often get and have had since being a kid. Its this feeling that created and supported my interest in the occult and magic. I’m sorry but I can’t imagine dying and that’s the end of it. What would be the point of that? Why would all of this exist just for us to die? Yes, you could argue that I have a touch too much ego to think myself or ourselves worthy of anything but a blink of reality but I
Read More »The Last Observer Available for Pre-Order
I accidentally just discovered that my new novel is available for pre-order on all Amazon sites. For me this is quite exciting as, for the first time, the product of love, sweat and tears, is available albeit in August….. Check out the Amazon page on the UK website and you can actually look inside the book. You can also ‘like’ the book’s facebook page and stay up to date with developments there. You can also take a peek at the promo video I made; Or, better still, pre-order it. You won’t regret it. Its a good yarn.
Read More »A Spot of Colon Navigation???
Just under 2-years ago, a routine colonoscopy discovered a 5cm tumor in my colon. Although benign, the tumor was growing rapidly and would soon result in a large internal explosion. Apparently not good for life support. Much to my trepidation, it had to come out. Can you imagine major surgery in a foreign country where your language skills rank maybe a 4 for comprehension and a 2.5 for speaking? Actually, the facility I had the surgery in was very good and it was keyhole surgery too performed especially by the top Doctor there. I recall being wheeled in for the surgery. The operating theater was huge and had an amazing view of Brno castle at least until they put the shades down. There must have been about 8 doctors and
Read More »I Used to be able to fly…..
“The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease for ever to be able to do it.” ― J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan I posted this quote on Facebook last night on the Last Observer page. For a novel about the nature of reality and magic, it struck me as a darn fine quote. Magic really does involve belief or faith. Faith really can move mountains. Magic rituals, far from being some evil activity performed naked with the lights out, are simply a very traditional human activity designed to help act out and therefore convince the subconscious and other areas of the psyche, that something is so. That, if you like, we can still fly. I discuss this in Inner Journeys where I use the example of projecting success and
Read More »Sex Sells II
One of my first posts here was a tongue-in-cheek discussion of writing and publishing books – I used the title sex sells because it does – just look at that category erotica and you will understand that these books sell. Well, tonight, I posted an article to my Czech Republic travel blog. I thought I would check out the stats while there….. First the good news. The blog is getting a hell of a lot of visits. So all my hard work and photographs of Czech castles and landscapes, witty posts about Czech lifestyle, culture and politics was actually generating interest? Of course not. No. One post was generating 95% of that traffic and the stats tell the entire story. Google is bringing in a lot of that traffic on
Read More »What Happened to Music?
OK – now I am going to sound like my parents but, can anyone explain to me what happened to music? Am I the only one that thinks that what passes for ‘popular’ music these days is complete and utter sh*one*t? Not only that but what happened to self respect? Much of the ‘music’ I hear on the radio is not just mono-tonal and monotonous crap but the lyrics leave a lot to be desired too. One song that gets played a lot over here has some guy singing about how he is gonna have a lazy day and get him some ‘nice’ sex. Lucky him but – it that a topic for a song? There are several songs that simply seem to use the F word at every opportunity
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