The darkness crept in like a thief in the night It came from an unexpected source It clouded my judgement It froze the blood in my veins Its hard to see in the dark All you can do is try to feel the pain Pushing, pushing darkness away The source of my pain The lady who lit me up Stole my light bit by bit The fire she started was never for me But only for her The dawn is breaking over my heart And the embers of love still remain There to be fueled and burst aflame But not by her, not ever again The darkness and all that pain Is passing as I live again.
Read More »The Early Years Released
The Early Years – my first foray into music is now released and available digitally on most music sites… do give it a listen!
Read More »Do you think that would sell?
So who shouts the loudest? Am I getting through? Satisfying you Seeking an audience So very hard Need to sell my soul Or get a little luck Nip and tuck My way to fame I have ambition And I’d sell for cheap Until contrition Set in and spoiled it Tweet and turn Leave a mark In indelible ink Or a coffee stain By the kitchen sink Listen, I got stuff to tell Ghosty ghoulies Scary as hell Do you think that would sell?
Read More »Infinity
Sometimes You just need to laugh Life Irony It’s a just a cold bath You think you are in control You think it’s all about you But fate says, hey Wake up! It’s not about you But me You see I am you reflected Projected Onto a silver screen You wanna laugh? You wanna scream? Don’t – it’s just a silly dream The things you do The things you say Irrelevant anyway Just another way For Fate to have her evil way Laugh Cry It’s all the same to me I am, your are, you see? We are one and in a dream Life Death The coldness of reality Brutality Expressed One way or another You will discover It’s just lame No blame All the same A song to infinity
Read More »The Stripper
For many years, I drove everyday – at least once and sometime twice – from The woodlands, TX to the center of Houston. In all of that time, I would listen to the radio and curse that most often, the song played would be never said. I hate that. Anyway, recently, I found out that many of the songs that I enjoyed were by a British band called Bush. Yep- almost all those songs that I itched to know – who? Bush! Strange. There I am in the US and its British music I adore – though I didn’t know it then. It reminds me of a trip I made there for a week and the Partner of our firm took me – somewhat reluctantly – to a strip club.
Read More »A Pilgrimage
Today, I took some time and went to Opava. It is only a couple of hours from Brno, but I have delayed the trip too many times. I went in search of Franz Bardon.. Frantisek Bardon in Czech… and I found him. His grave is located in Opava Kylesovice. Standing by his grave, I found the atmosphere calm, peaceful, but electric… The grave is very well kept as well. There was, for me, a definite presence… Having paid my respects, I looked for his house located close by the cemetery and I believe this is it… based on Martin Faulks video... I then went into town and hunted down his flat, place of birth and lab… This photo is of the street in which he had
Read More »Death On The Beach
Yes – call me crazy, but I think another collection of poetry is on its way….. Death On The Beach is the working title and here, read by yours truly, is the poem that gives the book its title.
Read More »Erosion
How can you say you love me? And yet not really know me? How can you know me? Yet tell me that I lie? All I ever wanted Was to be understood Yet how can I expect that from you if I don’t understand myself! But couldn’t you take an interest In something more than Every normal day life Couldn’t you try to visit the places That truly haunted me Couldn’t you make the effort Couldn’t you just take the time? Its funny cos you think what you think So confidently Where do you get that? What makes you actually believe You know me? I don’t think you have made the effort I don’t think you could ever see What it takes to be me Just like I cannot know
Read More »Book Website Launched
In support of the forthcoming book – HowTo Create Your Own Reality – I have created a website and book trailer. Take a look and visit periodically as the concept develops and as the book is launched. Now is the time to break free. Learn how to do it and join the revolution – pre-order the book here.
Read More »Attacked by a Black Magician…
What is it like to be attacked by a black magician? Well, I wrote a short scene in my novel The Last Observer about a psychic attack on the hero of the story Stanley. My inspiration for this actually came from several sources. The first is the attack on Frabato the Magician by a satanic lodge in Germany that is recounted in the book of the same name by Franz Bardon (who was an amazing magician by all accounts and who I cover in my latest book – Wizards, Warlocks and Magicians). When I first read that account, I was terrified and it stuck with me for several decades as a crazy example of what it feels like to be attacked by magic. Another inspiration was another deeply influential book
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