At the end of this month, we will be moving back to Brno. Its just a couple of hundred kilometers down the D1 (main highway in the Czech Republic). We’ll be moving back into our place which means we might finally finish it. I will miss Prague mainly because of its open spaces. Behind us is a huge valley that goes on for miles and in front of us a huge park. Of course, there is the old city and the castle and …. well I could go on for a long time about Prague and how beautiful it is. But its also quite a big city and getting places takes time and is often inconvenient.
Brno on the other hand is considerably smaller and to be honest, uglier. Its more industrial and hasn’t had the same level of investment that Prague has had. However, I can walk from our flat into the center in 5 minutes. In 5 minutes by car, we are clear of the city altogether and in the Moravian countryside – which is truly beautiful. Not only that but I do have quite a few friends in Brno that I am looking forward to seeing. The architecture in Brno is also quite good and very interesting in certain areas.
Perhaps the most important thing is simply going back to our own place. We had bought it, spent time and money renovating it and then … moved to Prague! (as you do). It will also be nice to get re-involved with the Brno ExPats group that I and a friend started several years ago.
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