Changes II
Yes. Hull City AFC (The Tigers) are once again a Premier League team. Mad celebrations took place after a very weird and stressful afternoon which you may have read about in the media. Me, I knew it would be rough so I went swimming and only checked after the game was over. Yep – I am a coward. However, I did a dance just like this….
Read More »The Word I Like to Hate
Standing on the metro here in Prague a couple of days ago, a crowd of young female Americans were nearby. I knew they were American because they exhibited two definitive American traits; Loudness and a problem with speaking English. No, I’m sorry to my American friends (and I am a naturalized American myself), but this is true. Americans in Prague speak as if they want everyone to hear them. They speak at such a volume, they are audible 1km away. It is as if they consider themselves so important that they know everyone just must hear what they have to say. By the way, its not just me that thinks this. In the office, my colleagues routinely joke about it. Americans, they say, shout. It’s embarrassing to be honest especially
Read More »Changes
The next few days should be deliciously interesting…. Yes! It’s funny because yesterday I visited an online tarot site just for grins and to kill a few minutes. I selected the cards and to my utter amazement it said that I might be about to enjoy a new car! Well, it is spot on. On Tuesday night I do pick up my new car. Nope – it isn’t the Porsche I dreamed of but it is a very nice Mazda CX5 SUV. I can’t wait because I am a sucker for cars and I adore driving. Funnily enough, on the very same day, I will end my job and on May 1st start a new one basically working for myself with a partner in Houston. This one means a lot
Read More »Don’t Worry, Be Happy!
Rocky and I just got back from a walk up the hill here in Prague. The sun is shining and its already warm….. Rocky, who thinks he is a dog, marked every lamp post while I surveyed the city lying in the valley below. It’s a nice city that is for sure. The view and the walk gave me some perspectives on things. See, I just quit my high powered and highly paid job. It feels good not to have to deal with that stress any more nor have to worry about the silly staff issues, politics, owners, forthcoming regulations, keeping costs down and so on…. But I face a new challenge because I am going back to running my own business with a partner from Houston, TX. The stress
Read More »We Have A Date!
Today, if you didn’t know it, is St. George’s day. The patron saint of England who slew the dragon. Maybe its a fitting date then for Roundfire to actually set a publication date for The Last Observer? Yep, I awoke this morning to discover that it will be published on the 30th August 2013. It has its own page too with all the key details. The print book will retail at 6.99GBP or 12.95USD and the eBook at 6.99GBP or 9.99USD. I also have an author’s page there. Gosh, wouldn’t it be nice if the book really did well! Here are several endorsements. My sincere thanks to Herbie, Alan, Gordon and Anthony… Dennis Wheatley brought up to date with a liberal spicing of speculation about the nature of reality, quantum
Read More »The Last Observer – Getting Closer to Reality
My novel now has a full cover including the following text on the back of the book… The Last Observer is a compelling tale of magic, alternative realities, murder and conflict. An ordinary man is abruptly dragged into the middle of a violent struggle between black and white magicians who both seek to use his extraordinary powers of imagination and observation. He soon learns that reality is not at all what it seems before being called upon to play a decisive role in determining whose reality will prevail. “Dennis Wheatley brought up to date with a liberal spicing of speculation about the nature of reality, quantum physics and parallel worlds. …. Highly recommended” – Herbie Brennan, New York Times best-selling author of Whisperers: The Secret History of the Spirit World.
Read More »A Non-Smoker
Almost immediately I stood upright getting out of bed this morning, I started to cough. The coughing is usually followed by a dash to the Lav as gravity seems to really play a role in my mornings. I don’t cough as much as I used to though because…. (drum roll)… I QUIT smoking two months ago. Yep, the last bought of pneumonia was the last straw. I quit the bloody things. One tip to help us quit smoking is to calculate our savings. Actually, living in the Czech Republic, this isn’t too effective. Cigs are relatively cheap but nicorette patches are priced beyond the reach of the average earner. The net result was, that by my calculation, quitting smoking cost me about 200USD. Never mind, I have now quit the
Read More »Dear Mr. President
Hi our Prezza! How the hell are you? Had enough vacations on my tax dollar, thrown enough star studded parties yet to actually DO something – anything? Or still pinning the blame for everything (like all of your loathsome kind) on your predecessor. Yes, I’m sorry, I don’t care much for politicians of any party or persuasion. Actually, to tell you the truth, what I want to ask you about is rather selfish of me but here goes…. When I became a US citizen, I was quite proud, especially when the examiner at the joke of a test that passes for a citizenship examination told me “Congrats, you got all the answers correct, most Americans couldn’t do that!” “Really?” I asked, “How many would they get right then?” “Three or
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