NEWS…. Poems for the little room available electronically
Poems for the little room published using Lulu is now available electronically. To take a look or buy it please visit its Lulu page. Or – in softcover form for a slightly higher price…… Or – buy it directly from me – cheaper and nicer option….
Read More »What if I were a Wizard….
I was thinking today (dangerous activity in of itself), what would it be like to be a wizard. Yes, a wizard. Like Gandalf except maybe not so hairy! Would I use my power wisely? Would using my power for good be actually good? And, more importantly, what would I do to those BMW drivers that push me out the way lights flashing aggressively in my mirror? If you had that kind of power and you intervened for good – you know, cured someone of a terminal disease or something – would that actually be good? What would happen to the karma? I recall reading something by Franz Bardon about this. He did some healing and he had to deal with the karma issue too. It would seem that is was
Read More »I’m a Total Failure
I was reading an article by my friend and partner in crime in writing the Mystical Hexagram this morning on her blog. I suddenly understood that I am a total and utter failure. It’s true. I am. She has over 800 subscribers to her blog!!!! I have been blogging for years and have never developed any kind of a following at all. Nope. I am a total failure as a blogger. Inept. Asteroth’s Domain – online since 2005 has 4 followers! How damning. I’m sorry though. I’m not quitting. I like failure….. I am used to it. Ever since I can remember I have failed at things or, quite honestly, decided I am crap at stuff. I recall when age 12 playing school soccer with my new glasses on suddenly
Read More »Sex Sells
Ha…. that got ya didn’t it. Sex really does sell but this post isn’t about sex. I was just being sneaky hoping to catch your eye and stimulate your hormones…. Sales. If you write books, you like to see them sell. At least I do. I don’t write books because they look pretty and therefore wonderful on my shelves at home. Nope, I want people to actually read the buggers. OK, so I could give them away, and I do, quite a few anyway, but really I’d quite like to live as a writer. That means generating cash and at my age, I’m not gonna be able to do that shaking my booty (actually, at no point in my life would that have been viable). So, yep, sorry my friends…
Read More »Why This Blog?
So I have been blogging at Asteroth’s Domain since what? 2005! I started it when Inner Journeys: Explorations of the Soul was published. Like all first time authors, I had half expected the book to sell, if not in the thousands then certainly in the many hundreds. ‘Build it and they will come’ was my mantra…. These days I know a lot more about publishing books (especially in rather strange and suspicious genres!) and much more about blogging. At one time, I think I had 8 blogs on the go. One even had hundreds of visitors a day! Then, well, I got busy, stopped posting and things declined. These days, I have more books out and far fewer blogs. So why would I build another blog? (this one!). Well, it
Read More »The Last Observer – Cover
Watch out for Dr. Vasey’s new novel – The Last Observer from Roundfire sometime in the summer of 2103. Visit its facebook page for more information and to keep up with developments.
Read More »Us and Them by Alienora Taylor
Here is a guest post from fellow blogger Alienora Taylor….. first posted at If I am right, then you are wrong. If I am right, then you need to believe what I believe, think the way I think. Or you are wrong. If I am US – and you disagree with me – then you become THEM. If you don’t agree with my mindset, then I am not going to be your friend anymore. Maggie Thatcher’s mindset? Or could it be wider than that? Come on, guys, isn’t about time we questioned this assumption that an admantine mind equals strength of character? That the absolute conviction of rightness – which so easily spills into righteousness – is a good thing? This has come out only too clearly in the
Read More »It’s Raining, It’s Pouring….
You have to hand it to life sometimes for piling it on. Sometimes it seems as if fate decides you have had too easy a time of it recently so it will now go ahead and shower you with shit. I’m sure everyone reading this can instantly relate to what I am saying as it appears to be a common feature of human life. One minute, you are sailing along thinking things really aren’t that bad and then…pow! Everything happens and all at once. I have often heard people tell me in this context that ‘God only gives you as much as you can bear”. That may be true but it doesn’t make it any easier! In fact, I happen to believe that we do this to ourselves. We are
Read More »Words from Anthony Peake
The writer and poet Dr. G Michael Vasey has a fascinating website called Asteroth’s Apprentice. Dr Vasey’s book Inner Journeys, Explorations of the Soul is an interesting work that describes his life-time study of the ‘Mysteries’ and the Occult Sciences. Dr. Vasey requested a copy of ITLAD a few weeks ago and a review copy was sent to him by my publisher. Dr. Vasey lives in Brno in the Czech Republic and they had no end of problems having a copy sent. However it was received and Dr. Vasey has read it. I am pleased to say that he seems to have found it a worthwhile read. Take a look at his review here. Dr. Vasey’s comments add yet another angle on the power of the Daemon-Eidolon Dyad as a
Read More »A Old Interview
Back in the days when I still thought IJ would sell like hot cakes, I did an interview with Jeff Belanger of Jeff was an old work colleague of mine who suddenly gave up his day job to write…. he now has 12 best sellers to his name! Interview by Jeff Belanger – [email protected] author interview In Inner Journeys, Dr. G. Michael Vasey shares how the study of the occult, meditation, and his deeper self has enriched his life. Vasey offers a path the reader can follow for getting in contact with their own spirit guides. caught up with Dr. Vasey to ask him about his life and the new book. Was there a single event in your life that stirred your curiosity in the occult? There
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