Inner Journeys – The Foreword By Dolores
The foreword for my first book – Inner Journeys: Explorations of the Soul (Thoth, 2005) was kindly written by Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki. For those of you that have never seen it, here it is……. When one enters a school for spiritual training there will always be a time of apprehension. What will it be like, what will I be asked to do, will I be able to cope? In actual fact 90% of students find all their questions answered within a few weeks and settle down to their studies with varying degrees of enthusiasm punctuated by the odd moments of boredom. Studying the occult is like any other study, you have good and bad days, some parts are interesting and others make you want to throw your papers out of the
Read More »The Last Observer Reviewed….
Please do consider liking this Facebook page – its my new book and first novel due out in the summer from Roundfire Books Here is some of what author Anthony Peake has to say about The Last Observer… Gary tells a classic tale of mystery and suspense but weaves within it a series of themes that would be at home in any modern physics text book. He masterfully uses his own extensive knowledge of modern magical rituals to create a tale that is both mysterious and intriguing. However the mystery soon gives way to something far more sinister and terrifying, a terror that explodes into a finale of epic proportions in which the fate of the universe itself is at stake. Once started this book cannot be put down and
Read More »Reality Quotes
To support some of the concepts explored in The Last Observer, I have been posting and will continue to post, quotes from people on the nature of reality and magic. It’s actually quite amazing when you start looking for these quotes, how much agreement there seems to be between widely diverse people on the topic of reality………. Let’s explore a few; [I can’t accept quantum mechanics because] “I like to think the moon is there even if I am not looking at it.” Albert Einstein We do not need magic to change the world. We carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better. J. K. ROWLING, speech to Harvard Alumni Association, 2008 “Every man lives in a world of his own creation,
Read More »Looking for Likes
Its a strange world. Here I am looking for likes on Facebook. It’s all about social networking and marketing you see. I’d like to get 500 likes before my new novel is published in around 3 months time. Trouble is, without the book, a cover, or anything other than a description, its tough to attract people to like the page. As time goes on, I can start to unveil some details, a cover, an endorsement, the first paragraph etc. but for now all I can do is ask people to like it on faith…. You can help me out and like the Last Observer page here. Many thanks…. And, if you feel really generous, here is the FB page for my last book – The Mystical Hexagram – written with
Read More »A New review of the Mystical Hexagram
By Alienora Taylor – our thanks to her for this… At the start of this remarkable book, and referring, in this instance, to symbols, the authors wrote, ‘…reaching into the viscera of humankind,’ a phrase which struck me forcibly – and which, to my mind, encapsulates beautifully what Vasey and Vincent have achieved in their writing. Part intellectual journey, part esoteric exploration, at all times eminently readable, this short book takes us on a voyage of discovery through the deep seas of The Tree of Life, symbolism, Tarot, planets/metals, numerology, astrology, psychology, and alchemy. Centring upon the Great Work – a concept which can be understood both exoterically and esoterically – the chapters examine, in commendable depth and detail, the manifold connections contained within these two triangles, six sides and
Read More »Kindle Weird Tales for FREE
Can’t ever be a bad deal to get something for free. This weekend, Weird Tales for Kindle is FREE….. Why not download it and maybe write a review?
Read More »Weird Tales – an Amazon Error
I discovered about a year ago that the listing for the Kindle version of Weird Tales had a typo on the authors name… it is listed under Dr. G. Micahel Vasey. Its a bit of a blow really because it means it doesn’t show up at all with the softcover book and so people don’t even know there is a Kindle version! Yes, I have told amazon multiple times about the mistake but have never heard a word back nor has it ever been changed. Nice eh? Well, at less than $2 for the Kindle book, it’s not bad value and can be loaned as part of the Amazon lending scheme for Kindle for zero dollars! If you might be interested, you can find it here…. Widgets
Read More »Books and Stuff
After finishing Inner Journeys: Explorations of the Soul (Thoth, 2005), I became obsessed with the hexagram as a symbol. My meditations were focused on it and whatever I read seemed to resonate with it – including books like Comte de Gabalis. For 5-years I continued thinking about, meditating on and exploring the hexagram and its relationship to the elements, the tarot, the tree of life, to alchemy and to astrology. Periodically, I sat and wrote. But for some reason, I could not finish the book. Whatever I wrote, it seemed not to capture adequately the mysteries of the symbol and it seemed the book would never be finished. Initially, I sought information from other books that would back up what was coming through about the hexagram. In the end though,
Read More »The Last Observer
The Last Observer is coming along quite nicely and seems to have a life of its own. 25,000 words already and probably halfway done. Already have a mainstream publisher interested in the novel too which is good. The Last Observer is a tale of magic, alternative realities, murder and conflict. An ordinary man is abruptly dragged into a violent battle between black and white magicians because he has an imagination capable of co-creating reality. He soon learns that reality is not at all what it seems and that he will be called to play a decisive role in determining whose reality will prevail. Hopefully, it will be out later this year.
Read More »The Hanged Man
Another poem from Inner Journeys: Explorations of the Soul … this one from the Epilogue. It’s called the Hanged Man. Above me a point Below me its reflection in matter The sun and the moon to either side I am the centre of a circle Hanging in space Here there is no motion All is timeless and harmony The centre of a circle but wait I am slowly rotating Hanging in space I have become one With the all that is and is not At the centre of the circle of life Soon I will be upside down Hanging in space As the Hanged Man I gain new perspective The above is now my below And the below my above Hanging in space
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