New Books and New Schools by SC Vincent
There are times in one’s life when events seem to take on a momentum that renders them unstoppable. Sometimes we can see what the catalyst may be, others we simply have to take the time on trust and see where it leads. There are times when life seems to go completely pear shaped and we appear to be losing all we have held dear… only to find that as we relinquish our grasp, reluctantly or willingly, on the life we thought we knew, the changes are wrought and new beginnings, new adventures come in. For me, personally, this year has been one of great and fast movement. We submitted the Mystical Hexagram to Datura some months ago, as one does. At that point my life was vaguely familiar. In the
Read More »The Mystical Hexagram is NOW available
The Mystical Hexagram is available for purchase from Datura Press. Their website, is currently down for maintenance. In the meantime you can contact them directly via email: Debbie Chapnick at [email protected]. The book is priced at $15 and postage is $4 US and $9 Europe. For more details on the new book, please visit the Mystical Hexagram website.
Read More »Books For Sale
I have 15 brand shiney new copies of Inner Journeys ready to ship to anyone who wants them. Cost is 10GBP plus P&P. I will dedicate the book to the buyer which might help resale values….. Let me know if interested in buying a copy…. gary at garymvasey dot com.
Read More »Thoth Publications to offer kindle version of IJ
Tom at Thoth tells me he is going to make Inner Journeys available in Kindle and other electronic formats in the near future. With The Mystical Hexagram coming out soon, this should increase the availability of Inner Journeys to anyone who wants to purchase it. I have also created a Facebook page for Inner Journeys so if you have a FB account, please do pop over there and like the page or leave your comments about the book…. Thanks
Read More »Mystical Hexagram Site
In support of the forthcoming book – The Mystical Hexagram: The Seven Inner Stars of Power – written with SC Vincent, we have created a new site – its early yet of course and there isn’t much content but do pop over and check it out.
Read More »The Mystical Hexagram
After one final push to complete the book, it is now with Datura Press and should be out by end of August. The full title is “The Mystical Hexagram: The Seven Inner Stars of Power” and I co-wrote this with SC Vincent. We are both excited to see it appear and soon there will be a website to go with the book. It sort of picks up where “Inner Journeys” left off…. We hope you will like it!
Read More »The Hexagram Book
And…. big and loud drum roll…the book is FINISHED. A joint effort with SC Vincent, I am really happy with the final manuscript so now we just need to get it published – stay tuned… And talking about publishers. A small occult book publisher called Datura Press is trying to raise some money to take its business to the next level. The publisher has been turning out material from Dolores ashcroft-Nowicki amongst others and this is important work. I would kindly ask you in the next few days to visit and donate a few bob… go here
Read More »Poems for the little room
OK – I had a dream the other night about how people buy books for their toilets…. and I thought well, there is an idea…. a book for the little room! So I went ahead and pulled together a bunch of poems and photos and there you go…. Poems for the little room. Its so a bit pricey but who knows…. may be it will go viral? Stop by and take a look here
Read More »Is There Life After Death by Anthony Peake – Reviewed
It’s a rare thing for me to rave about a book. I love to read and consequently, I read a lot of books and am often disappointed. Not so with “Is There Life after Death” by Anthony Peake. In fact, this was a book that I couldn’t and didn’t want to put down and yet had to just to think about its content. It’s well researched, well written and frankly well published in the sense that it’s a quality book too for the price. Peake has a slightly humorous writing style yet delivers on content and punch. So what is the book about? Well, it’s really not about life after death and to some extent the title seems an odd choice. Peake lucidly explores quantum physics, medicine, psychology, certain aspects
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