The Last Observer

The Last Observer is coming along quite nicely and seems to have a life of its own. 25,000 words already and probably halfway done. Already have a mainstream publisher interested in the novel too which is good.

The Last Observer is a tale of magic, alternative realities, murder and conflict. An ordinary man is abruptly dragged into a violent battle between black and white magicians because he has an imagination capable of co-creating reality. He soon learns that reality is not at all what it seems and that he will be called to play a decisive role in determining whose reality will prevail.

Hopefully, it will be out later this year.

3 thoughts on “The Last Observer

  1. I am fortunate enough to be reading this as it is being written. It is an intriguing story well told. I could write mounds about what is going on in the plot, the depth of the content and the twists of the story.

    But I won’t.

    I just want the next chapters…… 😉

  2. The wavefunction encodes what some observer is in a position to assert about the physical world given some knowledge that he already possesses by virtue of other measurements or observations made by him.. So the observer is, practicaly by definition, some being who acquires information by means of physicallly interacting with the rest of the universe. God, however, (accordingto traditional theism) does not physically interact with things in the universe, as he is not a physical entity. Physical entities cause things to happen in the universe by means of physically interacting with other entities. But God causes things in an utterly different way: by willing the reality or being of the whole universe. An analogy: a character in a novel has effects within the novel’s plot by means of acting within the plot in accordance with the internal rules of the novel. The author of the novel, on the other hand, causes things to happen as they do in the novel not by being’an actor in the plot, but by simply by conceiving of the plot (and of the rules that givern it).

  3. Yeah, but take this setup .. Take a beam of electrons through a Stern-Gerlach magnet setup. Observer (A) sees 1/2 of them deflect up and 1/2 will deflect down. Take the “down” electrons and send it through the exact same setup and that same Observer (A) will see all of those electrons will deflect down. You are Observer (B), and you take those “down” electrons and funnel over to Observer (C) who is doing the same thing as Observer (A), but Observer (C) is not aware of Observer (A) or what you are doing (also Observer (A) is not aware of you or Observer (C)). Now let Observer (C) view those “down” electrons through his exact same Stern-Gerlach magnet setup as Observer (A). And then later you bring all three people together and discuss what yall observed. Question: What does observer (C) see the electrons doing? I don’t know the answer. I suppose there is an outside chance 1/2 would defect up and 1/2 would deflect down. I doubt it. I’d suppose he’d see them deflecting down. If so, he couldn’t have created any reality in that experiment. Maybe either Observer (A) or you created the reality when you made the observation? I doubt it, because that would mean reality (in the context of “observer creating reality”) is transferable from one person to another. Or maybe it means that once reality is created by Observer (A), it is reality for all 3 Observers. If so, that begs the question: What “resets reality” so that Observer (A) is able to see of an initial beam of electrons, 1/2 deflect up and 1/2 deflect down? It can’t be that he just got a sample of electrons that already were 1/2 “up” and 1/2 “down” electrons. We’ve come full circle in this “reality/observer part of the experiment” thing.

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