
Prague Spring?

Occasionally, a pattern sets up in life and you wonder what could be the meaning. Recently, say since November last year, if my daughter isn’t sick then I am. Colds, flu, pneumonia etc. You name it, it’s been a visitor here. Unfortunately, this causes all kinds of problems. Hoe do you keep an executive level job where your signature commits the company when you are mostly at home? When our daughter is sick, it means one of us must stay at home and be ‘mum’. I love doing it actually. I really feel much closer to my daughter these days but how much holiday time can I take before I am in trouble. For Gabriela, the issue is in some ways worse, she is rather new at her job and

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Reality Quotes

To support some of the concepts explored in The Last Observer, I have been posting and will continue to post, quotes from people on the nature of reality and magic. It’s actually quite amazing when you start looking for these quotes, how much agreement there seems to be between widely diverse people on the topic of reality………. Let’s explore a few; [I can’t accept quantum mechanics because] “I like to think the moon is there even if I am not looking at it.” Albert Einstein We do not need magic to change the world. We carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better. J. K. ROWLING, speech to Harvard Alumni Association, 2008 “Every man lives in a world of his own creation,

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My old Socks

Multicolored footwear beset with many holes. But no one else can see the terrible state of my treasured old socks. You see these socks were bought by a very special friend and they hold so many memories within their crushed and worn fabric. When they were new they were the talk of all my friends. Who would dare to wear such socks they said rather shocked. But now my faded foot threads are replete with holes and extruded toes and destined for the trash. Such a shame my treasured old socks will never walk again.

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Is it me?

Is it me or is the world actually falling apart? And, if it is, what does that say about me? Since I create my own reality, it must surely reflect something going on in how I observe and process the world. It doesn’t much matter whether it’s the mess with horsemeat, the story I read about the four young people that lured and murdered, by strangulation, two young guys so they could have sex on top of some dead bodies (I kid you not!), or just the general global political mess around us. Something seems wrong. The systems have failed. Kids are unemployed and mostly couldn’t care less, often expecting everything handed to them on a plate. In the US, people vote for their free phone, free healthcare, free housing,

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Looking for Likes

Its a strange world. Here I am looking for likes on Facebook. It’s all about social networking and marketing you see. I’d like to get 500 likes before my new novel is published in around 3 months time. Trouble is, without the book, a cover, or anything other than a description, its tough to attract people to like the page. As time goes on, I can start to unveil some details, a cover, an endorsement, the first paragraph etc. but for now all I can do is ask people to like it on faith…. You can help me out and like the Last Observer page here. Many thanks…. And, if you feel really generous, here is the FB page for my last book – The Mystical Hexagram – written with

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Magic and Science

A common theme of mine on this blog is the nature of reality and how Gnostics and occultists knew this long before modern scientists created their glorified Theories of everything. In fact, those very same scientists are only hinting at what is already known and has been through milenia. In fact, it takes others like Anthony Peake, for example, to take that science and analyze it in a holistic manner to start to draw some startling hypotheses. The fact that anthony has found some modicum of support for his work among mystics and magicians should be no surprise for he is simply rediscovering things that, for a few, where already well known. Take a read of Eliphas Levi for example. “There exists a force in nature which is far more

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A New review of the Mystical Hexagram

By Alienora Taylor – our thanks to her for this… At the start of this remarkable book, and referring, in this instance, to symbols, the authors wrote, ‘…reaching into the viscera of humankind,’ a phrase which struck me forcibly – and which, to my mind, encapsulates beautifully what Vasey and Vincent have achieved in their writing. Part intellectual journey, part esoteric exploration, at all times eminently readable, this short book takes us on a voyage of discovery through the deep seas of The Tree of Life, symbolism, Tarot, planets/metals, numerology, astrology, psychology, and alchemy. Centring upon the Great Work – a concept which can be understood both exoterically and esoterically – the chapters examine, in commendable depth and detail, the manifold connections contained within these two triangles, six sides and

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The Inner Child

Some of us grow up different. Don’t ask me why. Things started when I was a very small boy. One night, when I had been put down to bed in the back bedroom of the small semi my parents owned in west Hull, I recall watching a little blue man jump out of the mirror of the kid’s wardrobe I had in there. As if that were not enough, this little blue guy pulled out a gun, shot at me, and then leaped out through the window (through the glass). If I had been a bit older, I might have seen where things were headed generally, because my Dad was in that room so fast I don’t think I had even yet started to scream. I was so shocked. He,

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The Gospel of Mary

The Gospel of Mary (Magdalene) is a fascinating but incomplete document that we have only recently had an opportunity to read since it was only relatively recently published. It makes you wonder what else is laying out there in the desert yet to be found? This is a very esoteric document in which Jesus says there is no sin except that which we introduce, He discusses the nature of reality too! In fact, this is worthy of multiple reads and consideration. I am one who thinks that Jesus did exist and was a Master. His message has been hijacked by evil dry men who use it to control us through fear unfortunately (You will go to Hell!!) when it should have been a liberating and magical message. Luckily, blind people

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Last night I dreamed we played Model airplanes and such I heard your laugh again And felt your company Special, so very special Since you left it’s been a bit harder I guess every son misses his father It’s not the same you see No one to ask now when needing advice No special moments of devilish fun No more beers down the pub No trips full of historical interest Just a dream or two and a face that looks enough like you to warrant a second glance Where did you go? Cos I really miss you you know.

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