I think I am like my Mum – emotional. Sometimes, I find life to be sad. Its like a tread mill that we all work until finally its over. People die and its sad. People hate and carry hatred with them and its sad. You wonder – at least I do – what have I contributed? What have I achieved? What was it all about anyway? I have my own answers to these questions but I still feel like life is often a sad experience. Its this that keeps me questioning the nature of existence. And ultimately returning to the conclusions that I must first look inwards for the answers.
Read More »The Reality of Truth
I and everyone else probably spends a lot of time trying to figure out the ‘truth’. The problem is that for every ‘truth’ there appears to be a number of alternatives. ‘Truth’ it seems is difficult to pin down. Even if one consults the Bible there are any number of alternate interpretations and contradictions. Many occult texts are deliberately obtuse and opaque. So, how are we ever supposed to gain insight into ‘truth’ whatever that may prove to be? I think there is only one way and it is that in order to know the truth in the outside world one must first know the truth in your inner world. “Know Thyself” If you can actually come to know yourself – the truth of who you truly are then I
Read More »Inner Journeys on Kindle
Inner Journeys is now available for the Amazon Kindle reader device. Check it out using the widget opposite.
Read More »What Do We Really Know?
The more I think on it the more I realize that certainty is an illusion. History was written by the winner, the news is provided with a spin and other people are opaque. We know nothing for certain. It used to be that the internet might provide information but it too is now othing but opinion and scare mongering. Nothing can be relied upon. We have to look inside ourselves for anything of value – anything that can be relied upon – but it too is colored by our ego and personalities. So in the end, if the past is a colored view and the future a fancy, what do we have left? Simply to live in the moment…..
Read More »Reality….
As I have continued to ponder reality I came across this article. I don’t entirely agree with some of it but I think his analogies are wonderful and, since I don’t think I could quite do as good a job, I am posting it here. It came from a blog called The Cleaver by Neil Kramer. Unfortunately that site has gone and has been replaced by a much more commercial website at Since I am fully attributing it, I hope he doesn’t mind me borrowing it! Here it is in full…. Unplugging The Matrix: Generate Your Own Reality Sooner or later the intelligent human mind realizes that reality is an illusion. This operates on many levels: perceptual, historical, political, molecular, spiritual. Depending on knowledge, circumstances and belief system –
Read More »More Thoughts On Reality
It is funny how sometimes life brings you continually back to a certain point. Right now I am back to trying to complete the book on the Hexagram with Sue Vincent. It is as if I am being forced to address the idea that I need to do this. It is compelling – something is compelling me to continually revisit and write this damned book. In doing a little bit of research I came across a fascinating video… watch it below…. Now why would I be looking at strange stuff like this? Simple – physics says 10 dimensions, occultists say 10 emanations. I understand the video. I’m sure you will too. The question I have is this; Why is my consciousness in this dimension and place right now? Why not
Read More »Thoughts On The Nature Of Reality
Reality. What is it? Rosicrucians talk of both reality and actuality. Reality is essentially what you perceive of the actuality. There is an actuality but what it is most likely cannot be known – not now anyway. Reality is an illusion. A self made illusion. Time is a reality and an illusion. It is simply a construct of the mind that is required by Universal Mind Law to allow for movement and experience. Reality – your reality – is created via imagination and your belief system. Your culture, upbringing, beliefs and yes- the rules you live life by – all go into creating your reality. But that reality is an illusion – a wakeful dream. It is not actuality. All of us fall into the trap of believing into reality.
Read More »The Descent Into Reality
I have been giving a good deal of thought recently to a variety of topics that came up during my 5-year SOL course. Reading through my own meditation notes, some things suddenly make more sense that they did before. It’s prompted me to start out on a certain path with enthusiasm again. One idea that struck me is that the Tree of Life gives you a great insight into reality. First, lets assume that Kether already exists – and let’s discuss the tree in terms of developing an idea and turning it into reality. Kether is the source but as the tree unfolds down into Malkuth, things become more set, more constrained. Yes- the tree evokes an unknowable number of possibilities but how does it actually work? If I have
Read More »Exactly What Reality Are We Creating?
Regular visitors will know that I believe that we create our own reality so today I want to ask you – what reality are we all creating? The Power of Thought Your thoughts are powerful. Your thoughts create. Some would argue that thoughts create in what is often termed as the ‘astral plane’ – which is a sort of substratum on which the physical world around us is based. If this is true then what do you think about? What sort of astral world are you creating? As I have said in previous posts, the world around us helps govern our thoughts. Watch the news, read a newspaper – its all doom and gloom. Stories of war, famine, violence, global warming and terrorism – to name a few things. We
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