Near Death Experiences
My Father passed away on Tuesday. I am devastated. Despite everything I find myself asking “Where is he?” and wondering deeply. It has shaken my belief system somewhat to be honest. I found myself researching near death experiences and I came across a superb resource that I can recommend for a visit – here. Interesting sections of the site deal with gnosis and the NDE and explore the gnostic gospels in a rather compelling way. Take a look…..
Read More »Funny…
I was just on a remote viewing site. It has over 100,000 members, many of the posts in the blog have over 100 comments – none of them spam – and it made me think how funny. The man who runs it may well be genuine. I actually purchased his course several years ago and found it pretty good but over $150 for ten cassette tapes is a lot of money… I think that if you couch stuff as positive thinking, cosmic ordering, remote viewing you avoid the ‘stigma’ that comes with calling it what it is – Magick. Many times I feel that people who write about say .. positive thinking are teaching magick but with one very large difference…. it is usually done for personal profit. i.e. for
Read More »The Book I Can’t Seem to Finish
I have been working on a book now for several years with Sue Vincent. However, I just cannot seem to get the book finished. Every time I vow to get it completed I seem to get very busy or something else happens. I am beginning to think it will only get finished when those that decide these things decide to let it be complete. The bulk of the book is done but the last chapter or two appears to be stuck…..
Read More »Observing Reality
I have long been fascinated with the concept of reality. I recall years ago reading some AMORC materials that defined reality as distinct from actuality. Actuality is what a thing actually is whereas reality is your perception of a thing. So in fact, reality is YOUR reality and not necessarily that of another person. That’s interesting but it really simply shifts the question to what is actuality then? Quantum physicists now theorize and have demonstrated with experiments that reality is determined by the observer – at least to some degree. Others might say simply that reality doesn’t exist at all until it is observed – much like the question does a falling tree in the middle of a forest make a sound if there is no one there to hear
Read More »St. Germain and Bardon
Anyone who has read Frabato the Magician will be aware of the claim that Franz Bardon was the reincarnation of St. Germain, as well as a lot of other things about Bardon that one’s initial reaction is to discount as the over zealousness of his followers. But, I have been in a vein of thought and meditation for some time now about all of this and I do believe that there is a connection between Bardon and St. Germain. One only has to read Comte de Gabalis (most likely the Comte is St. Germain) and compare with Bardon’s material to start to suspect at least a common point of origin. What is also intriguing is the lack of any real details around either man. Indeed, their lives have a sort
Read More »The Contrast
Just recently I have been reading a couple of books – A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bryan Bryson and The Theory of Everything by Stephen Hawkings. Book books are interesting and well written but it is the absence (even denial) that anything more than complete chance is responsible for Everything that struck me in both books. Hawkings even mocks the idea that one would need anything to explain anything except chance. I was reading both books as I just wanted to get to grips with Quantum Physics for myself to separate out truth from fiction. What I was left with however was a feeling that these two gentlemen ought to read some esoteric literature. They may discover that much of what they prattle on about has been known
Read More »Indian Hermit – 70-years Without Food or Water
The BBC has a short video story on an Indian hermit who is being examined at a hospital because he doesn’t appear to have eaten or drank in 70-years. Instead, he claims he gets his energy from meditation. Worryingly, he is also being examined and watched 24-hours a day by the Indian military who want to find his secret for potential military uses. My thoughts on this are as follows… I have no doubt that living without the need for food and/or water is possible and that forms of meditation can provide the necessary energy. One only has to read the books by Franz Bardon to understand how this can be achieved. My second thought is that the Indian military are wasting their time. These techniques take decades to master…
Read More »Bardon’s Mirrors
Recently, I decided to start working the exercises in Bardon’s Initiation into Hermetics. I am starting at the very beginning in which one of the exercises is to essentially spend a lot of time noting all of your weaknesses and faults. These are then matched to one of the four elements and also to a level of seriousness of fault. One then repeats that for positive qualities and these become Magical Mirrors of the Soul. Let me tell you its an interesting exercise. At first, its problematic to come up with qualities actually either negative or positive but after a while and, through indirect inquiry of others, you start to get pretty good at it and my lists are prolific already (and I am not done yet!). I’m afraid I
Read More »And Back to Bardon….
Periodically I get a bee in my bonnet and return to research and reading around a few books that seem to me to have some real meaning. One of these is Comte de Gabalis of course. The others though are also worthy of mention. They are The Chymical Wedding of CRC and John Dee’s The Hieroglyphic Monad. There is a common set of linkages in these three books that doesn’t stop at the use of Dee’s Monad on the cover of The Chymical wedding! To cut right to the chase, for me, the commonality is the Elements and Elemental magic. This may be obvious in Comte de Gabalis but maybe not so obvious in the other two books – until you see it that is. Comte de Gabalis is a
Read More »Religious Dogma
I no longer think much to Religions except that as a thought control and fear creation device for the masses peddled by the elite they ought to have outlived their usefulness. Despite that, Religion continues to be usurped for less than religious purposes such as killing, violence, and more….. Interestingly enough, I came across something in Comte De Gabalis that reinforces the issues of Religion and Dogma…. ” ‘God’ is the rendering in the English versions of the Hebrew T.1,’ ‘Eloah,’ and ‘Elohim.: “^ El “does not signify Deus (God) but Sol (Sun).”^ “The word El ought to be written Al. In the original it is AL ; and this word means the God Mithra, the Sun, as the Preserver and Saviour.”^ Since the word translated God in the first
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