Mapping The Špilbirk Serpents
Tonight, I was able to get out and continue mapping the energy lines at Brno Castle – Špilberk. I managed to sort out a few things – one of which was to confirm that there are three lines not two – three dragons! The interesting and confusing thing had been that two are parallel and run pretty close together and this had me confused as I was initially seeing it as one line when in fact, it was two. What intrigues me is that these two lines actually seem to go around the castle while the third which crosses goes through it. The northern of the two NW-SE lines also literally goes straight through the front door of an Orthodox church built in the early 1900s called St. Wenceslas and
Read More »The Kiss of Death
Deeper into nature Deeper into me Deeper into the forest, deeper Darker it grows and quieter In the depths of the Goddess I am truly free As I walk the pathway I catch a glimpse The woman of my dreams She laughs and dances Under a sunbeam I know I am to follow Deeper and deeper we go Darker and darker and so The dancers dance Until we reach the river The river of life And the woman asks me then Would I like a wife? I take her hand and we cross The lady grinning soul Pulls me closer An embrace for eternity And the kiss of death She takes my last breath Within her sweet kiss Time breaks down and stills Eternally kissed By the Goddess Hanging
Read More »Tears of the New Day
When the rain falls Tears from heaven Moistening below The Gods say hello Showing their presence Washing the vibrant air The making of a new day And a new waterway But why do They cry? Why does the wind sigh? Rivers of tears, running by Falling from ashen sky And then a sight to behold Stretching from side to side A multicolored rainbow Laughter upon the God’s brow Cleansed, Fresh and new The Earths’ thirst slaked Life sustained, rearranged All continues unchanged
Read More »Seeking the Magic and Eternal Youth….of a Sort.
Tonight, I have had one of those evenings where I think back accompanied by music of the time. I miss Texas or I miss the life I had there. But then I had a thought. My memories of that time or indeed any time in my life are vague with very few clear memories. Knowing memory, even those clearer images may not be real at all but deeply tinted with a certain wishfulness or nostalgia. I have photos, the recollections of others – my sons for example as well however, the truth may be that my past is as vague and as unreal as my future because my memories are selective and easily reprogrammed by constant use. Life back then was as life now most likely and I look back
Read More »Revisiting The Old Hag
Last night I re-edited, re-titled and re-covered my book originally called ‘Riding the Old Hag’. I thought that an excellent title by the way but….. maybe not. So now it has the title – Basic Instinct: Erotic Paranormal Contact – The Old Hag and the Mysterious World of Sleep Paralysis. The content remains the same but this book didn’t seem to get the attention that it deserved. You see, after a life time of paranormal activity and as a result of my clairvoyance and magical training, I slowly came to a startling conclusion. I had long had my suspicions and throughout all of my paranormal books, I will comment on the nature of reality. However, when researching the black-eyed kids and trying to explain whet they were, I started to
Read More »An Amazon #1
It has been a while since I felt that little thrill you get when Amazon places that small but oh so important icon next to your book image – Best Seller!!! But, it has happened again! Chasing the Shaman, my latest book, is (as of writing) #1 in new releases in Gaia Religions category! I’m very pleased and hope that it gets some attention now via the Amazon engine. For me, this is yet another bit of magic that proves the magic that I wrote about in the book….. And, if you have read my recent blog posts, you will know that the ‘magic’ continues… I’m now hoping to see a review or two (and hoping they are positive). Meanwhile, to buy the book in Kindle or paperback
Read More »Older Guy
There comes a point in time When fashion doesn’t matter When music becomes a grating clatter When those old bones protest It hits you like a wall of bricks That you no longer can attract the chicks I’m an older guy Supposed to be refined And attractive in my way But I find I sigh And say I dunno What become of me These days I’d rather sleep than dance I’d rather stay in than get out Tired by ten I don’t doubt I dream of places I once was And faces of those I knew Rather than looking forward to anything new I’m an older guy That hint of sophistication Grows gray at my temple No matter how hard I try I see my face breaking down With the
Read More »Hunting Fire Dragons in Moravia
I’d read a rumor about a fire breathing dragon that flew around the Castle of Drahotuš near Olomouc. I’m sorry but I can’t resist investigating such rumors. So today, I and a friend set off to the Hell valley looking for the ruins of an old Castle and to see if we could find the dragon. We drove the 1 hour 20 minute trip from Brno in beautiful weather eventually arriving at Podhoři around noon. Then began the search for the Castle as it didn’t appear to be signposted at all. In the end, we asked a villager who gave us a circular route to get there and back. Hrad Drahotuš isn’t very well know to tell you the truth. It hasn’t been well preserved unlike its nearby
Read More »The Lesson of Sam White
After having quite a few successful books out – all in the supernatural category. I put out a beautiful set of fictional short stories on a metaphysical theme. I had it professionally edited. I released it under what I thought was a pretty good title with a lovely looking cover…. The Pink Bus and Other Strange Tales from LaLa Land…… It sort of died. I couldn’t believe it. It was my favorite work and some of the stories I had thought were really quite good. I recall the editor – who I tremendously respect as a write in her own right (Alienora Taylor) told me she loved it. But despite free give aways, discounts and so on, it barely sold…. just 40 copies in 6 months with 98 free copies
Read More »The Trigger for Chasing the Shaman
The idea fr my new book – Chasing the Shaman – a sort of follow on to my very first book – Inner Journeys – came from a startling and accidental meet up with a real live shaman here in Brno. Unfortunately, that first time when he scared me in an out of the way seating area beneath the Castle here, I didn’t have the guts to ask him what he was doing and why? And perhaps, more importantly, would he please teach me! I know some people will simply think I have a strong imagination – I do! – but I have been watching for signs of this guy for two Moons now – yes, Moons. He is constantly working with is stones and other objects in plain sight
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