I don’t know whether it is because I am a closet hypochondriac or just 20-years under the US health system, but I realized this week I drop an awful lot of pills. Now, I will hasten to add, many are vitamins and supplements but still. In hospital this week I realized that the doctors there have a system and it goes like this. Side effect? Ah, take this. After a while, you are taking pills for a side effect of the pills you took for a side effect of the antibiotics! We have become a society who simply believes that there is a pill for everything haven’t we? When you have time on your hands and nothing to do but browse the net, you start looking at things. For example,
Read More »The Stripper
For many years, I drove everyday – at least once and sometime twice – from The woodlands, TX to the center of Houston. In all of that time, I would listen to the radio and curse that most often, the song played would be never said. I hate that. Anyway, recently, I found out that many of the songs that I enjoyed were by a British band called Bush. Yep- almost all those songs that I itched to know – who? Bush! Strange. There I am in the US and its British music I adore – though I didn’t know it then. It reminds me of a trip I made there for a week and the Partner of our firm took me – somewhat reluctantly – to a strip club.
Read More »What Price A Review?
For the last few days, I have been reaching out asking for reviews on Amazon. The take up has been very minimal. I don’t really understand why my books only get one or two reviews probably because I like to review books that I read. Anyhow, if you have read one of my books, do please consider reviewing it on Amazon. It doesn’t have to be a long review, it doesn’t have to be good – just honest. Meanwhile, I’m quite thrilled to see Your Haunted Lives riding in the top 4 of Amazon UK‘s supernatural category. It has been #1 several times already and that really is gratifying. It’s not doing quite so well in the US though – it’s in the top 100 there in the same category.
Read More »Do You Think Like A Conspiracy Theorist?
I guess I have a bee in my bonnet about conspiracy theories. I find them funny and those who chose to believe in them interesting. Today, the buzz on the net is all about the sudden and abrupt closing of 5 or 6 Wal-Mart stores across the southern US. The excuse used in all cases is plumbing problems and closed for 6-months. Well, Wal-Mart is the corporate Scrooge of all time and there is no way plumbing problems would close any of their stores – nope. Wal-Mart would do anything to keep its stores open. All of that is true. But what has this set of closings triggered? Well – here is a short list, 1. There is going to be a military exercise in the US in July or
Read More »Silly Season
Even though I haven’t lived in the Uk in over 25-years, I do know what an election there feels like and having spent almost two decades in the US, which the UK now seems to want to emulate in terms of political campaigning, I feel sorry for all of you Brits. The silly season is about to start – has already started. You will now be subjected to a bunch of young, immature and inexperienced men (yes – still mostly men) telling you what you want to hear in order to curry your favor and your vote. Later, once elected, they will forget what they said and do what they want anyway. Isn’t it time to just put an end to this nonsense? In a world I created, this is
Read More »There Are Days….
There are days when you wonder. I was up early this morning. I had a good work plan all determined and the sky was an azure blue hangover from yesterday…. it always makes me feel better somehow to see a blue sky. Then. The first phone appointment doesn’t show but an unexpected Skype call from a friend/colleague results in a 40 minute conversation about, well, nothing really… It was just a nice chit chat. Immediately after, the phone rings and puzzled I pick it up. It is my doctor chasing me to have an extended blood pressure monitoring test. I had said I would but then never made the appointment and she is concerned that I am avoiding it and if I do have high blood pressure we should know.
Read More »My Haunted Life – Extreme Edition
This month will see the launch of a paperback version of all three My Haunted Life Kindle books plus three bonus stories as My Haunted Life – Extreme Edition. Meanwhile, the three Kindle books continue to do well – still better in the UK than the US but I am not complaining at all. My Haunted Life Too flirted with the top spot again this weekend….. Watch out for the cover reveal for the paperback version of My Haunted Life – Extreme Edition – soon!
Read More »Book Sales Dynamics
It’s been an interesting couple of months as sales of my books have moved up a notch. However, what I find interesting is how on any day,my books do well in the US or the UK but not both. There really is a pattern to this. One day, like yesterday, I sold 8 kindle books – all but one from the uk site of Amazon. The day before it was 5 Kindle books and all in the US .com site. Is this a function of how Amazon reports sales or is this real? If it’s real, why? The My Haunted Life book has been doing well selling 2-4 copies a day for about 6-weeks now and I have given away around about 120 free copies too. My Haunted Life Too
Read More »Happy Christmas – Moon Whispers
All this week you can get your christmas gift from me a tad early – its my poetry collection Moon Whispers and it is FREE on Kindle all this week. If you enjoy it, please write a review and check out my others. The paperback version is really cool and would also make a great present! Get it here in the US and here in the UK. Reviews G. Michael Vasey understands the power of the word. In Moon Whispers, he takes obvious care not to convolute a simple message, exercising an economy of words when it is due, to reveal clean, crisp vignettes of his inner landscape. From tantalizing homages to food in “50 Shades of Food” to life’s more existential questions, as in “Touching Emptiness” and the quote
Read More »On the Demise of Soup
When I was a kid my Dad made soup. It was tasty stuff full of veggies and meat and I adored it. If we didn’t have homemade soup then perhaps we would be treated to a can of Tomato soup. Soup was a part of the meal though back then. I suppose in recent decades, convenience foods have made a big chunk in most people’s diets and soup – real soup – seems to have disappeared a casualty of the war on dining (or preparation?) time. In the US, I rarely saw soup either except perhaps for the soup and salad restaurants where you could buy a hearty soup and fill a plate with salad for lunch. Soup, it seems is unpopular, unloved and old fashioned. Here in the Czech
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