A New way To Pray?
In between work items yesterday, I found myself watching a video on Youtube that claimed to be a new way to pray. a more effective way to pray. It wasn’t a long video and it featured someone being interviewed about this radical new discovery. The key to prayer is not asking for something because when you ask for something you simply confirm that it doesn’t exist in your reality. No, what you do is IMAGINE it already is. This wasn’t an occultist or magician talking but it might as well have been. I recently wrote about imagination on my other blog. Imagination is the engine room of magic. Its the engine room of reality. It is the engine room of our very existence. It is imagination without any frontier that
Read More »The Measurement Problem Revisited
As a small boy, I recall quite often thinking and imagining that, in reality, I was sat on a chair in a small room looking at a TV screen and controlling myself through a set of knobs and levers in front to me. In this dreamlike imagining, there were rows upon rows of these small rooms or booths each with an occupant managing their virtual life. Remember, I was thinking and dreaming this in the mid 1960’s before color TVs, computers, virtual reality and The Matrix movie. I mentioned this also in Inner Journeys: Explorations of the Soul. Additionally, at that age, I had not widely read any books and quite honestly, other than Watch with Mother, I hadn’t seen much TV either (in black and white on a box-like
Read More »Are You watching?
You look out of your window and you see… well, exactly what you expected to see – the view from your window. But when you are NOT looking, does that view exist? Actually, it may not. Quantum physics provides us with the strange idea that when not being observed, reality doesn’t exist. This is why Einstein said that he liked to believe the Moon really was there when he wasn’t watching it. The act of observing creates reality. You are creating reality as you read or observe this article right now. Look around and create your reality. You are the Observer. It is a very powerful position to be in. Think about it. Now imagine that your imaginative faculty was so strong and well developed that you could superimpose your
Read More »Six Weird Statements About Reality
Quantum physics – have you taken any time at all to see what quantum physicists are saying about reality? You should because it is totally bizarre. Check out these 6 statements. If quantum mechanics hasn’t profoundly shocked you, you haven’t understood it yet. Niels Bohr [T]he atoms or elementary particles themselves are not real; they form a world of potentialities or possibilities rather than one of things or facts.” Werner Heisenberg Observations not only disturb what is to be measured, they produce it. Pascual Jordan When the province of physical theory was extended to encompass microscopic phenomena through the creation of quantum mechanics, the concept of consciousness came to the fore again. It was not possible to formulate the laws of quantum mechanics in a fully consistent way without reference
Read More »My Private Reality Sphere Part 1 by Seth of Acopalypse-How
Bubbles within bubbles, wheels within wheels , we are each a universe , complete with our own planet earth and surrounding cosmos. I call it My Virtual Reality Sphere . When I look up into the sky and see all the stars , I “know” they are within me, there is no out there , I know that if I want to reach out and touch the stars I can , they are no different than the trillions of cells in my body , they are part of ” Me”. You know the old saying ” You Think The Universe Revolves Around You ” well its true , the universe does revolve around you , we are each encapsulated so to speak in our own private Spherical Mirror , and
Read More »The Dichotomy of Science and the Occult
Scientists mostly fall into the materialist-reductionist camp quick to dispel or write off anything ‘new age’, mystical or magical. For these folk, consciousness is created by the brain somehow – exactly how is unknown however. As science is moved forward by the publishing and peer review process, we tend to see a punctuated evolution of ideas that are published, scrutinized and then replaced. Scientists mostly live in their own little world conversing with their peers in their ivory towers. Periodically, the contents of their world explode into ours as the media picks up on some published research that perhaps has some impact on the masses. I am a trained scientist so I think I have every right to make these observations. Of course, quantum physics has caused much consternation in
Read More »The Shock and Horror Show
As I have said before, the problem with the internet is that it is very difficult to get at the truth. The internet is such a wonderful forum for posting opinion and your version of the truth that, on any single issue, one can find articles from every side – all believable until you do your critical research. Bu who has time for that? No one does critical research. Instead, they seek confirmation of what they already believe to be truth. Everywhere I see lazy shock and horror stories. Its today’s fad. I just read how the price of oil is no longer set by fundamentals but by the big oil companies and the big banks who manipulate futures. I read this on Huffington Post. Its a crock of course.
Read More »Magical Practice and Imagination
Sometimes the thought of meditating and conducting what amount to tortuous mental exercises is less than compelling. It takes effort, it is repetitive and you can go for weeks without any meaningful results. But there is no way out. You can’t learn magic from a book! It has to be via hours and hours of practice. Sometimes, I go for days without doing formal exercises instead practicing various things like pore breathing and so on in those moments when I have some time. After a while, I make a renewed effort to get formal again. The plain fact is, its pretty bloody tedious. The biggest part of magic is imagination. You simply have to be able to imagine and to see/feel/hear things that you imagine. One exercise I practice all
Read More »Just Today
Have you ever wondered if today is, in fact, the only day of your ‘life’? Ever since I was a young child, I have puzzled over reality. As I have mentioned many times, in Inner Journeys, I talk about how as a young boy, I really felt like this wasn’t real and that I was in a booth somewhere looking through some glasses and experiencing life as a ‘virtual reality’ game. Back then there was no virtual reality of course. Later, at school, I couldn’t quite understand how I could be just a bunch of atoms floating around in space! What kept me together? How did I know which atoms where mine? and many many other questions. Other kids thought I was a bit weird. Probably they were right. I
Read More »Technology is Killing Us
I was reminiscing to myself last night as you do from time to time. I recall back in the early part of my career how there where no cell phones, no smart phones, no IPads, no PCs, no windows, no Google, no Facebook…… and wasn’t it great! If I went on a trip, I didn’t expect to keep in touch with people, no one called me looking for something. Occasionally, I’d get on a payphone and call home to check in but that was it. Back then, a holiday was a holiday. On Sunday, we leave for two weeks in the USA. Sunday looks like being miserable with three flights and around 14 hours in the air. But I am looking forward to my vacation and going back to the
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