Magic Is All Around
That magic works is obvious. All you have to do is observe a bit to see magic in action all around you. Let’s take a few examples of what I am talking about shall we? The Placebo Effect – defined as follows by Wikipedia – “Also called the placebo response. A remarkable phenomenon in which a placebo — a fake treatment, an inactive substance like sugar, distilled water, or saline solution — can sometimes improve a patient’s condition simply because the person has the expectation that it will be helpful.” The problem I have with this definition is the word ‘fake’. There is nothing fake about the magical power of the subconscious mind! Magic works on faith, belief and imagination. The more that you believe something to be so, the
Read More »The Death of Idols
Idols are really symbols that have a deep meaning that is only understood personally. While an idol may have a life of its own, it’s not possible to be the idol or participate in its experience of life. David Bowie is one more idol of mine and countless others, that has left to move on somewhere else. Much will be written about him in the next few days. For me, he was a symbol of something that I chose from time to time, to give my attention to. He is a memory trigger of happy times, great people and incredible memories of my life. Whether that be driving to Cornwall listening to kooks with my then best friend Mike in my late teens, or feeling strong as I listened to
Read More »Thoughts on Higher Purpose
‘All is as it should be’ – Is it? Actually, it probably is. We tend to think of ourselves moving through time consciously making decisions that impact our future selves and the world around us. The more likely truth is that we are creatures of habit and subconscious desires and habits. We are unbalanced and our physical, emotional and mental bodies are unaligned or we are simply not in control. Free will? I have come to the conclusion that for the normal person, we probably have little or no free will. If time is a construct of the mind – and increasingly the evidence from all sides suggests that it is – then how can we have free will? More likely our entire life is already mapped and plotted and rather
Read More »Jim Harold Ghost Insight 46 Podcast with G. Michael Vasey
Released today Jim Harold interviews me about ghosts, reality and magic on his Ghost Insight podcast #46. You can catch the interview here. Take a look at his website over at where you can get an idea of the breadth of his interests and activities.
Read More »Get a Grip!
Tomorrow sees the release of my new book – How To Create Your Own Reality in kindle and paperback formats. Pre-orders have been strong and the book is already ranking on bestseller lists on Amazon! Yes – I am creating my own reality and the book outlines how. I do think that readers of the book will certainly have food for thought along with some techniques to try out. I also believe that anyone who reads the book might just change their outlook on life and, if they do that, then they will change their reality because that change in outlook will have an impact. The content of the book is drawn from many blog articles written over the last several years that have been edited, added to and organized
Read More »Shhhhh – Let me Tell You A Secret (Don’t tell anyone)
Imagine. Imagine if with a few words and an attitude you could manifest whatever you wanted in your life? What would you ask for? Think of that a different way. There you are polishing the silverware and suddenly, a genie appears. He grants you three wishes. What would they be? Now, let us complicate this scenario. Let’s imagine that rather than ask you for the three wishes, the genie reads your mind and delivers on your first three thoughts. How might that go? “Oh….. I want a big fast car, er, wait, no, I would like to be rich, stop, wait, maybe just happy…..” I would think that most folk would end up very disappointed with the result of their wishes and the genie might very well be extremely confused
Read More »Eat Your Heart Out Harry Potter!
Everyone knows who Harry Potter is. Harry is inescapably the most well-known magician on the planet and yet he is (hide your eyes if sensitive….) – fictional. Many people would probably laugh at any assertion that magic is real and that there are and always have been magicians in the world. Most people would believe magic to be sleight of hand and stage trickery at best and at worst just nonsense that you read about or see on TV. I just wish these same people would read my latest book….. Wizards, Warlocks and Magicians – Incredible True Stories of Magic and Sorcery. Magicians are real. Magic is real. Both magic and magicians however may not quite be what you think. Magic is about changing things at will. In order to
Read More »How To Create Your Own Reality
The book is taking shape and will be released on May 14th, 2015. The Kindle cover is ready. The website is being built and I will also probably take a crack at a video as well. As many of you know, I think we create our own reality via the way we think, act and how well we break free of the ingrained thought processes that we are given growing up. Magic is a process by which we learn to gain control of our lives – our reality – and truly live. The book is quite short but I believe it will be very effective. I will go so far as to say that it may change a few lives. Mark your diaries for May 14th and grab your copy.
Read More »13 Magicians
Whether you believe in real magic – spelt magick usually to differentiate from sleight of hand and trickery – or not, history is full of people who did and who were believed to be great magicians. Apollonius of Tyana, for example, who was born just a little before Jesus and spurned a life of luxury and wealth to follow in the footsteps of Pythagoras. Amongst other tales, Apollonius is said to have found the philosopher’s stone and gained eternal life. Then there is that character from the bible that we were all told was evil growing up – Simon Magus. Poor Simon! Simon does appear to have been capable of working miracles – actually not unlike those that Jesus did. But, he was seen as a threat to the early
Read More »Wizards, Warlocks and Magicians is Out
My new Kindle book – Wizards, Warlocks and Magicians: Incredible True Stories of Magic and Sorcery is out today on all Amazon sites. Meanwhile, the one day giveaway of My Haunted Life has far exceeded my expectations and is now approaching 300 downloads in 24 hours! Thanks everyone who downloaded it! Wizards, Warlocks and Magicians takes a look at several historical magicians from before the time of Christ up to the modern day and explores the truly incredible stories of magic, necromancy, alchemy and sorcery reputedly performed by these magicians. History is full of actual wizards, warlocks and magicians who reputedly wielded immense powers and were capable of performing amazing magick. In this book, we explore a number of historical magicians whom you have almost certainly have never heard of.
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