In the latest episode of The Magical World of G. Michael Vasey, I talk with Anthony Peake and the whole interview turned into one big synchronicity. As we discussed the recent paranormal investigation series Hellier, we found more and more aspects of synchronicity.
As I said on Facebook, Yesterday evening I talked with Anthony Peake for my Magical World podcast series. On Friday, I had noticed a post by Anthony referencing a paranormal show called #Hellier. I ended up binge watching 15 episodes of it over the weekend marveling at how much of the flow of their activities mirrored my own (as I have began to document in the book Chasing the Shaman). Little did I know that as I planned the interview with Anthony which I wanted to focus on Synchronicity, it would become one big synchronicity itself and centered around Hellier……. it was a pretty amazing experience and one you can share in the podcast…
Anthony is a writer who deals with the edges of human consciousness. He has written books on life after death, astral projection, the nature of time, DMT and much more and over the years has gradually migrated towards the paranormal and magic. He has developed interesting hypotheses to explain many facets and aspects of the human experience that make a lot of sense to me.
Listen in as we go deeper and deeper into the strange magical world of synchronicity. You can find out more about Anthony and his books at his website and Amazon.
Here is the podcast episode description..
I welcome Anthony Peake, a writer who deals with borderline areas of human consciousness. In what turned out to be an extraordinary interview, we discussed Anthony’s areas of interest before getting into the topic of synchronicity. The entire interview ended up feeling like pure synchronicity as we discussed the recent paranormal investigation show – Hellier – and its impact upon us both. Even more compelling was the tie in to Anthony’s own work as well as my own. Listen in for a true treat of synchronicity at work.
You can learn more about Anthony Peake at his website . You can also find out about his books on his Amazon authors page and even interact with him at his facebook page.
Among the books mentioned in the podcast are the following – please do take a look –
The Daemon – A Guide to Your Extraordinary Secret Self
G. Michael Vasey, Chasing the Shaman and The New You (How to Create Your Own Reality) are also available on Amazon.
Intro music – It’s not right by G. Michael Vasey
Outro music – It’s my Life by G. Michael VaseyAll music – G. Michael Vasey
Music available at iTunes, Spotify and other music stores.
Read my review of Anthony’s first book – Is There life After Death
© G. Michael Vasey