Alchemy and the Hexagram
During the 4 or 5 years that I struggled with the content of the book The Mystical Hexagram, which was all received in meditation, I understood that this material was important. I also understood that the approach, using the symbol of the hexagram to cast light on a variety of other magical systems and techniques would appeal to just a small number of people. In the end, I took the use of the symbol only so far and stopped short of where I had intended to go with it – which was to look at what it meant also in alchemical terms. The reasons for this is that I am not expert enough in many areas to trust what was coming through sufficiently to commit it to paper and the
Read More »An Excerpt from The Last Observer
The opening of Chapter 10 The breathing was rhythmic. With each breath, she was breathing in fire. All around her were flames, and she could feel the heat and smell the acrid smell of smoke. She inhaled and imagined that the fire was entering every pore of her body like a sponge. She could feel its heat and she imagined herself expanding, expanding and flickering. She was a flame as she consumed the fire. She was rising and floating like hot air and she had filled herself with the element of fire and felt its energies. She was burning her dross, transforming it into pure energy, cleansing herself in the fires. She then began to reverse the process, breathing out the fire through every pore in her body but feeling
Read More »The Lord of the Elements
Last night I reached the milestone of 10,000 words written for my new novel – The Lord of the Elements. I guess then, I am about 1/4 done with the first draft but I do hope to make more progress on it this month and perhaps complete the book by end of September. It would be good to have it out and ready for christmas. The Lord of the Elements is the prequel to The Last Observer and features Edward primarily. It starts with Edward as a young student with a strong interest in mathematics and the occult and follows Edward as he discovers a long lost manuscript written by an initiate named Gallivar in the late 16th Century. In his attempt to decipher the book, Edward comes into contact
Read More »Great New Price for Kindle Last Observer
After a couple of attempts, I managed to convince my publisher to knock the price of the eBook version of The Last Observer down. I always thought eBooks should be substantially cheaper than the print versions but that hasn’t been the case in practice for some reason. So, if you pop over to Amazon, you will find the Kindle version now selling for under five bucks! Just in time for that summer vacation read.
Read More »Poems Featured in Writer’s Wheel Magazine
Four of my poems have been featured in Writer’s Wheel magazine’s summer issue. They can be found on p42-43 and include three from Moon Whispers and one from Poems for the Little Room. The entire issue is packed with good stuff so do take a look and download it now…
Read More »Win or Get a FREE book
My latest collection of poetry – Moon Whispers – is a collection of what I believe to be my finest work to date and you can win a copy at Just pop over to and enter. The winner is drawn at random by Goodreads and I will mail a signed paperback copy to the lucky winner on August 30th. Meanwhile, you can also still win a copy of my novel – The Last Observer – simply by liking my new author Facebook page – what could be easier? Again, I will mail a signed copy to the lucky winner. However, you must use the <a href="“>Rafflecopter form to enter. Finally, for a couple more days, Astral Messages is available on any Amazon site for free in Kindle format.
Read More »Astral Messages FREE on Kindle all weekend long..
Astral Messages is now FREE on Kindle on all Amazon sites in celebration of July 4th and for the next 5-days. Go grab a copy now.
Read More »Moon Whispers – Free download Finished
The free Moon Whispers on Kindle weekend is over and I thank those that downloaded it or helped to promote it. I was quite pleased with the number of downloads. Now, here is the thing, please do post a review if you downloaded it and, if you enjoyed it, why not purchase the paperback version and share it with your family and friends? The paperback version is beautifully put together by Amazon and looks really good to boot. It is also relatively inexpensive. Meanwhile, I am waiting for the price of the Kindle version of my novel – The Last Observer – to come down too. In the next few days, it should drop to $2.99 and the same In GBP on The book has been well received and
Read More »A Conversation with G. Michael Vasey by Nick Wale
A Conversation with G. MICHAEL VASEY Author of THE LAST OBSERVER Expat Brit located in the Czech Republic G. Michael Vasey is one of those unique writers you come across on a hot summer day. I have marvelled at this interview, and I’ve wondered what I can really say about it. I like this writer—a lot—and I can’t wait for you to like him, too! His book The Last Observer is a bit of everything, and that is the best way to describe this interview. It’s a bit of everything! Who do you have in mind when you write? Me. I write about my interests and things that I am passionate about. I trust that the end product is something of interest to others and that I have something unique
Read More »WIN a Copy of The Last Observer
Enter this easy competition to win a copy of The Last Observer. It will be a signed copy too!
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