The Season’s Greetings to you!

I’m one of those people that every year think Christmas is still miles away only to discover its the next day and I am unprepared. Not sure why I am like this but I am. I can say I don’t much enjoy Christmas and I detest New Year’s Eve – why start the year with a hangover and sleep derivation I have to ask and don’t get me started on that stupid Auld Lang Syne song that turns my stomach every time I hear it. I sound a bit like Scrooge I am sure. It’s not that I don’t enjoy some fun and giving gifts, I do. It’s the commercialization I cannot stand. There is really no point in complaining about Christmas decorations in stores by October 31st I know

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The Last Observer – What Are You Missing?

The Last Observer: A Magical Battle For Reality, Roundfire, 2013 The Last Observer is a compelling fictional tale of magic, alternative realities, murder and conflict. An ordinary man is abruptly dragged into the middle of a violent struggle between black and white magicians who both seek to use his extraordinary powers of imagination and observation. He soon learns that reality is not at all what it seems before being called upon to play a decisive role in determining whose reality will prevail. I am fascinated by what makes up reality. Faith can move Mountains it is said. In fact, faith in an ability to imagine into reality a mountain moving is what magick really is. So what might happen if a black magic cult wanted to change the world and

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Before It Was Never the News (Or Ever Will Be)

You know, I write about things as I see them in my blogs and books. I don’t think I am a great writer but I confess to liking to write and so I do. Occasionally, I get on my high horse and have a rant about something that bothers me and I do try to be controversial from time-to-time in the hope that I find a new audience or two. I have a few folks tracking the blog and the books sell a few hundred copies over the space of a few years. I wish it were different but I am clueless as to how to build an audience beyond simply writing and hoping. I had hoped that The Last Observer would be the one that would find a broader

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Mark Stavish’s Review of The Last Observer

My thanks to Mr. Mark Stavish for this review – it may be found on…. A Fun and Interesting Book for an Rainy Afternoon The Last Observer is one of those wonderful novels that can be read in an afternoon and discussed with your friends for weeks afterward. Since the release of Dan Brown’s DaVinci Code and subsequent best-seller sequels the world has been awash in books dabbling in the occult but like Brown, never truly crossing the line, or worse yet, taking the leap and the reader wishes they had stayed in place. It is not that there is anything wrong with magic in novels specifically dealing with the occult, it is instead in the way most authors write about it. Best selling authors like Brown titillate us

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My Dad – The Last Observer

Have you ever wondered how things work? My father did this all of the time. You could see it in his face as he had a habit of moving his eyes from side-to-side in a particular way when he was deep in thought. He would be wondering, you see, how does that work? I was fortunate that my father thought this way because he would occasionally discuss his thoughts and more importantly, his ideas, about how things worked with me. The ‘thing’ could be a computer, an engine or indeed, the entire universe. I’m not exactly sure what thought processes my dad used but he had no more than a secondary school education broken up by the war and supplemented by some ‘night school’. He was a practical man too

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Saturday Night Thoughts on Promoting Books…

So its Saturday night and I find myself sat in front of the PC wondering yet again just how in thee world you actually promote a book. You see its November and believe it or not but The Last Observer hasn’t yet made any best seller lists and quiet honestly I am a tad disappointed. I reckon that by now my friends and family are sick to the back teeth of the hearing about the bloody book and probably do the internet version of crossing to the other side of the street when they see me coming! I reckon most of them that will buy it already have so I need a broader audience. But how? I must have spent hours googling ‘how to sell my novel’ and similar search

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Come On Americans!

OK. This is gonna be a self-serving article. Apologies and all of that. However, I am wondering why The Last Observer isn’t selling as well in the US as elsewhere….. Having lived most of my adult life in the USA I am a tad disappointed and dismayed by this. Come on you Americans….. where are you? Step up and take a look at The Last Observer. Here is what one American reviewer says…. “To the seekers of hidden knowledge everywhere, the way is long and hard. Don’t cut corners!” from the book The foreword, by Anthony Peake, begins with the statement that for centuries there has been a secret, occult tradition that developed in a parallel fashion with science. Identical in form in the beginning, their approach to reality included

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Chapter 16 – A Lost Soul

Chapter 16 from The Last Observer selected at random to tickle your fancy…. Alison’s heart was beating fast and loud. She dare not move nor look up. Around her, she was aware of movement and chanting. Inside her head, there was a shadow. She was not alone. There was an indwelling presence inside of her head and it wasn’t a nice feeling. She felt as if she could hear something breathing inside her head. Another existence now seemed to share her consciousness. What had she done? She lay there prone in front of the altar for what seemed like an eternity; a shared eternity. Then, she felt hands on her shoulders, they pulled her upright, and then she was face-to-face with the man she knew as Zeltan. He looked her

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Magic As A Reality

The word ‘magic’ can mean different things to different people. For some, just watching the sunset or seeing a beautiful view can be magic, for others it is trickery and sleight of hand and yet for others, me included, magic is real magic. Real magic is making something happen through willing it to be. However, before we go too much further, let us make a few discoveries together that may convince you that we are all magicians and that we work real magic each and every day. As you are reading this, your eyes are taking in light from the computer screen. The light enters your eye. It is then converted into electrical signals and they are then sent to a part of your brain where they are processed back

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Special Kindle Promotion on The Last Observer

The publisher – Roundfire Books – is running a promotional price on the kindle version of The Last Observer. As I understand it, its a 2-week promo and will NEVER be repeated and is designed to get a few reviews. Of course, you can also get a reasonable price on the paperback if you prefer the smell of books – as I do! On Amazon UK its priced at 99p and its also discounted on the US site so far as I can see.. Please tell your friends.

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