The Last Observer: A Magical Battle For Reality, Roundfire, 2013
The Last Observer is a compelling fictional tale of magic, alternative realities, murder and conflict. An ordinary man is abruptly dragged into the middle of a violent struggle between black and white magicians who both seek to use his extraordinary powers of imagination and observation. He soon learns that reality is not at all what it seems before being called upon to play a decisive role in determining whose reality will prevail.
I am fascinated by what makes up reality. Faith can move Mountains it is said. In fact, faith in an ability to imagine into reality a mountain moving is what magick really is. So what might happen if a black magic cult wanted to change the world and they decided to do it via imagination and magic? Read the book and find out.
ISBN-10: 1782791825
ISBN-13: 978-1782791829
Selected Reviews
“The Last Observer is one of those wonderful novels that can be read in an afternoon and discussed with your friends for weeks afterward.” Mark Stavish
“If you enjoy a story filled with good character development, good versus evil, pure hearts versus dark souls and unlikely heroes then this will be a book that will leave you looking forward to Mr. Vasey’s next installment.: Sylvia from Texas
“This book is FUN. It is a very fast paced read with more emphasis on action than on detail… or so it seems until you realize that along with the dose of entertainment you’ve been drawn in to an intense lesson on the nature of reality.” Darcy
“For such a small book, 112 pages, it packs a punch. The ‘Last Observer’ is a compelling read which includes magic, alternative realities, a number of murders and happy ever afters.” Francis
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