Miracles Do Happen
Learning Growing Building Gaining strength Waiting Being Talking Seeing hope Miracles do happen Every spring, new life appears And springtime may be here At the beginning of winter A touch of love A hope held deeply A dream explained Patience the virtue and here I am Hoping Feeling Something new growing Healing Seeing That spring has sprung anew Miracles do happen Oh yes they do Through you I am living again Laughing in the rain Soaking up the Sun Again having fun Hoping that spark of joy Will burst into flame
Read More »Wounded
I am so wounded So hurt, I am not living I am so wounded So hurt, I cannot see What it might be like to be free I gave everything – all of me Built a castle in the air It seems so fucking unfair The castle has dissolved And taken with it Everything I believed in My smile has been wiped Like an old unwanted tape My happiness kicked into touch It all meant so much I am not living, but surviving So lonely, so stuck in the past A fairytale of memories That I hoped would last Lost, cast adrift, cut to the bone How did I end up so alone? I lived for you, not me Rejected, I finally see How I lost myself in an ‘us’
Read More »Endings and Beginnings
I was willing to work I was willing to be someone else I was willing to be whatever you needed me to be And yet You threw it away I would have given you anything I would have turned a blind eye I would have done whatever it took you see I woke up that morning In a pure funk Understood I had lost myself You broke my heart Took me so completely apart Now I’m picking up my pieces And puzzling over where they belong Thats why I am writing this bloody song Directionless Even emotionless Until it overwhelms Rolls over me like the rushing waters Crushing, washing and flipping me The panic starts The anxiety rises You are always full of surprises Endings are beginnings So they say
Read More »Death On The Beach
As of today my new poetry collection is out on Kindle. It’s called Death on the Beach and features a photograph of me taking a photograph of Anna Maria Island beach in Florida on the cover. The photo was taken by Gabriela…
Read More »Tracks across The Sky
Tracks across the sky Scars of modern travel Highways in the air A line to follow you there A silver bird migrating To summer’s golden shores Arrows flying straight and true Arriving to take off yet anew Looking down from up on high The globe’s curves miraculous Jagged peaks and darkened seas Warmer climes or a winter freeze Passing by at the speed of sound Until we slow to return to ground Leaving, on a jet plane Leaving, never to come back again Away I go So Bye bye
Read More »The Words Won’t Come
I really think I should be saying something but the words wont come Guess I am shocked or surprised Or a little of both besides So much I want to say but the words won’t come I find I am in a calm silence Perhaps the one before the storm? Who knows? but I know the words will not come Perhaps something inside me is simply broken? Perhaps I have just understood And am resigned to what will be Since I cannot make you see and the words will not come Perhaps its just that things are so clear That I will always hold you dear Perhaps just that its so obvious That you now seem oblivious that my words would be wasted anyway And there is little that I
Read More »Built to Last
Is anything built to last? To stand the tests of time? Proud, up standing and pompous Relieved perhaps, to be still there Or is that just a silly question to ask? The wind and the rain will wash away The sands rise and drown me slowly away The me inside – that lonely voice Calling through an eternity Of change, turmoil and pain Seeking love, a flickering flame A point of fire, with some sort of desire To be free again Be still, be still and listen Time ticks slowly by The illusion of movement Tricks us like a faithless lover Who ran to the arms of another Each moment is an eternal now In in a sense, it lasts and lasts The wounded King awaits The Lady of the
Read More »Fool
I have a numbing headache It’s not really painful But sits just on the edge of perception Clouding my thoughts Something weighs heavily on me today Following me like a foul smell Or that stale taste From yesterday’s unwanted cigarette Stubbed out half-smoked In the disgust of will Bent, twisted, broken in this situation I am in Surrounded by comfort All those things Yet I am alone and wallowing in loneliness I walk the street Idly people watching Surrounded by people and abandoned by friends Life is lonely If I could only Be somewhere else at this moment in time On a beach Swimming in the Sea Anything to put a gap between Him and Me Disconnected Momentarily misdirected Wallowing around in an Ocean of bitterness Drinking the cup Swallowed
Read More »Words Are Easy
The only thing you can be sure of Is that you will hurt and be in pain Love and relationships just seem To end in disappointment all the same Words are easy Commitment harder I am lost again Promises broken The past spurned Love’s gone again Tired of trying to build a life Only to find it was never meant to be Getting older and so its harder The let down I feel is plain to see The dreams that I had imagined The things that we were still meant to do Smashed against the rocks of derision I am cut through and through Words are easy Promises too Whispered lover’s achings Lost somewhere in the breeze A tarnished future A rusted me Yes, words are easy Promises – simply
Read More »Free?
There was a time when I believed I subscribed to a common point of view What else would a young man do? These days though I have to laugh I am unique and maverick you see And I got to tell you that really is me I suppose you have your models Boxes that neatly describe your reality Put me in one and throw away the key Laughingly, I actually object to that I mean, who the hell are you to tell me What I am and how to be? I’m going to be me, and that means free Free of boxes, free of expectations Free to decide on the spur of the moment What seems good and right for me Stop projecting your expectations I’m not you, I am
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