There was a time when I believed
I subscribed to a common point of view
What else would a young man do?
These days though I have to laugh
I am unique and maverick you see
And I got to tell you that really is me
I suppose you have your models
Boxes that neatly describe your reality
Put me in one and throw away the key
Laughingly, I actually object to that
I mean, who the hell are you to tell me
What I am and how to be?
I’m going to be me, and that means free
Free of boxes, free of expectations
Free to decide on the spur of the moment
What seems good and right for me
Stop projecting your expectations
I’m not you, I am truly me
Shockingly subversive alienatingly free
Did I invent a new word?
Well, you know, that would be how I am
I do not give a damn
Take your box
Take you projection
Take your safety clauses
Take your risk aversion
Take your entire reality expectation
And try a flirtation with me
Join me and be totally free