
Ghosts, Reality and Long-Leggety Beasties

My summer cold of course decided to move into to my larynx and set up shop resulting in the last few days feeling distinctly unwell. The antibiotics are now kicking in and I’m recovering nicely. Meanwhile, I launched a new ghost and paranormal website at My Haunted Life Too. Why I did so I don’t really know as there are more than enough such sites around already but actually, I did it because I enjoy the stories and because I could. I do hope that over time, it will blossom into a real presence on the paranormal side of the web. Meanwhile, I am hard at work on my last book for a little while. Another ghost story book actually but I will say no more until it is out.

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A Summer Cold

The summer cold. What a contradiction of terms that is huh? I managed to avoid cold and flu through the winter but apparently I now have the summer cold caught from my daughter who caught it at school. I can barely swallow because there seems to be a mini version of Mount Everest in my throat right now complete with a bunch of annoying people determined to climb the bugger – or at least that is what it feels like. Yes Summer and cold are two words that simply do not belong together. Summer colds should be banned or made illegal. Sneezing, coughing and constantly blowing one’s nose is something that should only happen in the winter or on a particularly horrendous pollen-filled day in Springtime. However, I let the

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The Myth of Nationality

Nationality. Some people get all teared up and emotional about their nationality. Others use it as a way to discriminate between people. Some even use it to hate and despise. Nationality is basically a dividing factor used to keep us from coming together like we should. As Europe supposedly comes together, nationalism is springing up all over the place from Yorkshire to parts of Belgium. Nationalism is ugly. It is basically a reaction of fear and hate. Nationality is about as silly as being in a gang. The sooner people understand that nationality is an accident of birth and purely arbitrary the better. Your nationality – those misplaced emotions about belonging to some gang – are being used by people who manipulate. They will cite history and other myth to

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Saying Goodbye To A Childhood Friend

Yesterday, I found out that an old friend of mine had passed away. I discovered this via Facebook and I am still shocked beyond belief. I still do not know what happened, but I do know that Andrew Wells has gone at age 56. I first met Andy when my family moved to Willerby from West Hull. He lived at 5 Thornwick Ave and I at 1 Thornwick Ave. He was a year older and ahead of me at school, but I recall that we both got acoustic guitars from Christmas – perhaps it was 1972 – maybe 1971. Immediately, we started to ‘jam’ together. Of course, neither of us could play a note on the guitar, but it was fun to imagine that we could. Over the next couple

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Don’t Feed Their Greed

There is an election coming up in the UK soon and I won’t be voting. I am entitled to but I won’t – it just encourages them you see. Seriously. Politicians these days are career Politicians by and large. They have been learning to lie since college many of them with an eye on a lucrative career in politics. They are not in it to help you or me. Just themselves. A politician is close to where money and power lies. One goes with the other. It doesn’t matter if its fiddling expenses, taking back handers for politic favors or just enjoying a privileged lifestyle – they are ALL at it. Everywhere. The system is truly broken because of it. A politician has his hand in the till at its

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Lady Luck…

What is the secret formula of success? I wish I knew. What makes the difference between fame and fortune or not? My guess is it is actually purely luck. It isn’t talent. Lot’s of talented people never find fame or fortune. It isn’t personality – the same applies – there are lots of personalities around. Perhaps it is perserverance? I really do think you have to have the personality, the talent and perserverance but what really tips the scale is luck. Being the right person at the right time in the right place. Either that or there is a Devil and people really do sell their souls….. actually, the latter wouldn’t surprise me either in some cases. Can you make your own luck? I think you probably can through visualization,

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Jumping The Queue

Today, I am stood in a queue. I observe that there is a single line for two checks outs and the person at the front of the line selects the check out that first comes free. I am four or five back and I take my position and aimlessly think of nothing. As I get to the front of the line I suddenly think to myself that now it’s just me here, I am sure someone will push past me when the first check out comes free. The thought slipped out before I had a chance to stop it. As soon as it was released I knew….. The guy behind spotting his opportunity jumped in front of me to the left hand check out. I stood there dismayed. Then I

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Symbols of the Goddess

Over the last few years, I have increasingly enjoyed getting into nature. I am also rekindling my interest in geology and these days enjoy nothing better than getting out into the wild with my hammer. There is a magic about certain places that I have noticed more and more recently. You can sense the nature spirits and of course, the Goddess herself in such places. I have always enjoyed solitude in nature and once spent an entire 6-weeks geologically mapping the island of Eigg off the west coast of Scotland where, for days and weeks at a time, I didn’t see another human. I found that I began to have all sorts of spiritual experiences there including hearing angelic singing and seeing certain things from the other realms (Some of

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Imagination and Imagining Our Way Through Life

Imagination these days is undervalued. Kids no longer really need to exercise their imaginative faculties as it’s all laid on a plate for them in video games, movies that leave nothing to the imagination and TV. Yes, we had movies and TV growing up to but they still needed the support of an imagination. Our TV was in black and white until I was in my early teens and so you had to fill in the missing details for yourself. Special effects were pretty naff too and required imagination. Rather than play video games, I read books – a powerful tool to enhance your imagination. The human race is essentially being gently but surely relieved of its need for an imagination. I wonder if there is a motive behind this?

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As an esotericist, I have come to the conclusion that I am responsible for myself. I have half an idea that for many new agers and the like, this statement is akin to saying I am a satanist, but I stand by my statement none the less. We all create our reality – this place we live in. We create it in the way that we see things and how we act. Thoughts are things and they manifest as reality. Only I can create my reality therefore I am responsible for my thoughts and what they create. As a self responsible co-creator of this reality we live in, I must strive to improve myself. I don’t mean make more money or buy a bigger house. No, I mean improve myself

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