Musing on Reality
I have often wondered what it would be like to go back in time – in your own life – so that you could live it all again knowing what you know now and being the person that you are now. It’s perhaps an academic exercise as it cannot be done and indeed, probably shouldn’t be done as it is the life we have had that has shaped us into what we are in the present moment. But what if we could go back? We could amend the wrongs we have made. We could deal with others differently who have wronged us. We could change decisions and impact outcomes as a result. Perhaps, in some other dimension there is a me who led that ‘perfect’ life anyway. The me that
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Have you ever wondered if today is, in fact, the only day of your ‘life’? Ever since I was a young child, I have puzzled over reality. As I have mentioned many times, in Inner Journeys, I talk about how as a young boy, I really felt like this wasn’t real and that I was in a booth somewhere looking through some glasses and experiencing life as a ‘virtual reality’ game. Back then there was no virtual reality of course. Later, at school, I couldn’t quite understand how I could be just a bunch of atoms floating around in space! What kept me together? How did I know which atoms where mine? and many many other questions. Other kids thought I was a bit weird. Probably they were right. I
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As a small boy, I recall quite often thinking and imagining that in reality, I was sat on a chair in a small room looking at a TV screen and controlling myself through a set of knobs and levers in front to me. In this dreamlike imagining, there were rows upon rows of these small rooms or booths each with an occupant managing their virtual life. Remember, I was thinking and dreaming this in the mid 1960’s before color TVs, computers, virtual reality and The Matrix movie. I mentioned this also in Inner Journeys: Explorations of the Soul. Additionally, at that age, I had not widely read any books and quite honestly, other than Watch with Mother, I hadn’t seen much TV either (in black and white on a box-like
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Time is probably the greatest enigma of them all and yet it is our most precious commodity. In my busy daily life it seems to me that time is getting faster and faster and, the older I get, its speed simply increases. Yet there are still 60 minutes in an hour and 24 hours in a day. There are though moments when time stops and I instinctively understand that time is unreal. In meditative states, time becomes what it probably really is – an illusion created to bring order to my existence. Time is the topic addressed in Anthony Peake’s book “The Labyrinth of Time”. Peake’s style is to explore every conceivable avenue around and through a topic and so we are presented with subjects ranging from quantum physics and
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