
I Can’t?

Growing up my favorite expression was “I Can’t”. So I am told anyway. I do recall my father trying to explain to me that I should probably at least try before saying those words and my mother rolling her eyes as I paced up and down a room having a lack of confidence moment. Two particular instances spring to mind. The first was my ‘A’ levels. I won’t pass, I can’t pass was my mantra. I still have nightmares about “A” levels levels let me tell you! Actually, the results were very mixed but I scraped a place at college anyway because despite thinking I couldn’t – I did. One of my parents told me to do something like writing to all Universities asking to be accepted since my UCCA

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In the interview with Rob McConnell on X Zone radio, the concept of ripples came up several times to explain how we impact upon one another. It made me think of this post from Asetroth’s Domain I wrote a little while ago. Asteroth’s Domain is my blog that is more focused on magic – please do visit it. In meditation, I often see ripples in a pool. They start at a point and move outwards as small waves. If the small wave meets an object, an interference pattern occurs. Thoughts are like ripples. They start with a focus. Something triggers that focus but then, if we are able to, the thought expands like a ripple moving ever outwards into the world having who knows what impacts out there. Words, words

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