The Mystical Hexagram – A New Course to accompany the book
The hexagram is a symbol that, if you look for it, you will see it everywhere from church windows, to logos, to papal headgear. Most people associate it with Israel I assume and a lot more probably never really notice that this symbol is everywhere. As a symbol, it has meanings within meanings but one meaning would be of completeness, wholeness, oneness. Another might be of balance. After taking a 5-year correspondence course with a school of magic (yes, they do exist!), this symbol seemed stuck in my subconscious mind. I spent a couple of years endlessly drawing it, deconstructing it, meditating on it and receiving information on it from a contact developed during the course. The more I learned and understood, the more it seemed to me that this
Read More »Chasing Dragons in Moravia
I have just completed a follow up to Chasing the Shaman that I have called Chasing Dragons in Moravia. It’s already out on Kindle and shortly, the paperback will also be available – it includes photographs. It’s not overlong but I hope it is an interesting account of the last 6 months or so in which I took on the forms of Slavic gods Perun and Veles….. and yes, weird things did happen. The funny thing is that as I pulled this together from blog posts, notes and so on, it all fell into place like a jigsaw. It was an easy write because I suddenly understood all of the connections. And what could the connections be between Moravian stone circles and Churches, Castles guarding the gates of hell
Read More »The Magical world of G. Michael Vasey – New Podcast Series!
In the very near future, I will be launching an all new podcast series called The Magical world of G. Michael Vasey (after this site basically!). In the podcasts, I will be focused on thoughts, views and evidence for the nature of reality. As both a PhD scientist and a trained Magician, I hope to bring some unique perspectives….. The podcast will be an eclectic mix of things including; True stories of the paranormal that I have collected over the years – read by myself, Interviews with others in the field, A poem or two about my own visions and thoughts about reality, Perhaps an occasional guest read of true paranormal stories by someone like Darren Marlar of Weird Darkness fame using material from my audiobooks, Readings from my
Read More »Is there meaning in chaos?
Just recently, it seems like everywhere I look, people are trying to give meaning to current events. ‘It’s a plague on humanity, punishment for some collective crime’, we are told by some. It’s a plague sent by God to punish us for some other collective sin’, say others. Frankly, I grow weary of all of this. Did anyone stop and think that perhaps we live in a chaotic system and this is what chaotic looks like? Does there have to be a reason for these events? Does there have to be a super power or deity behind them? And, if there was a deity or intelligence behind these events – what meaning would that have? Surely, to us, it would be chaotic and unknowable? Why do we even ask these
Read More »Myth and Fairy Tale – A Slavic Angle
I have always adored myths and legends. Growing up, I was addicted to stories of the Greek Gods, King Arthur and other such tales. I also enjoyed fairy tales and read them avidly. My favorite was one called Rumpelstiltskin. Imagine being able to turn straw into gold? Just like an alchemist. Old Rumpelstilskin is depicted as an Imp or Goblin-type creature but the name is also reminiscent of the German words for a poltergeist. The girl eventually goes ‘deep’ into the woods where she watches him singing and reveals his name. According to some sources, this story or a variant of it could be up to 4,000 years old! Notice how the girl goes deep into the woods… order to earn the name of the Imp. Fairy tales and myths
Read More »Hostýn – Jesus as Perun?
I recently wrote a blog about Hostýn and noted that the imagery was, well, a bit strange. First, we have ‘Mary’ standing on the crescent moon depicted as a lunar goddess – actually something you see a lot in this part of the world – but then what is going on with baby Jesus? At the time, I pointed to Zeus as a possible analogy. Well, after some input from Sue Vincent and Stuart France, I was led to the Slavic God named Perun. He is the god of the sky, thunder, lightning, storms, rain, law, war, fertility and oak trees in the Slavic pantheon. Having come up with that name, I googled it along with ‘Hostýn’ and I found myself back on the monument’s website and an obscure
Read More »Social Media’s Mirror
One of Franz Bardon’s exercises is to spend a month writing down as many personal faults as you can think of and then a month writing down all of the positive traits you can think of. He calls this a mirror and it is known as Bardon’s Mirror. In fact, if you follow Bardon through, the next step is to assign an element to each fault and virtue (Fire, Earth, Water, Air) and see which element dominates and which is weak so you can work on addressing an elemental balance within yourself. It is actually a very hard thing to do. I have tried several times and never been truly happy with the results because plainly, I’m blind to my traits. I did ask a few close friends but despite
Read More »Feeling it at Holy Hill
By the time we reached the car from Templštejn, it was already early afternoon and after a quick stop for a late lunch, it was pretty much already dark. So we headed towards Mikulov on the border with Austria where in the morning the plan was to climb up Holy Hill. Mikulov is a beautiful town at the southern end of the Pavlov Hills and in the wine growing region (Palava is probably my favorite Czech wine). The town was founded sometime in the 12th Century and is today dominated by a fine Chateau at the center of the town standing on a rocky hill called Zameckÿ vrch. It was originally a Romanesque castle that was rebuilt in Gothic form and then as a Renaissance chateau and is now a
Read More »Let Go!
The last time I visited Whitby Abbey I was a boy. I recall little of it. Just that I was bored. Of course, I have been to Whitby many times since, often with my father who had business there. He would leave me for an hour or so to wander and once I recall taking my oil paints to paint the harbor. I was last there just a few years ago with my parents, ex-partner and daughter. I do like Whitby! I must say that the abbey ruins are fairly impressive but I felt no atmosphere or energies. It seemed a dead ruin to me. A stark reminder of other times. As we pondered aspects of the Abbey in the context of the spiritual prompts of the weekend, my sense
Read More »Like A Heartbeat
This weekend, I attended the Silent Eye Keys of Heaven weekend workshop in the Whitby area of Yorkshire. Of this much more later….. However, the penultimate stop of the weekend was the church in Lastingham and a visit to its beautiful crypt. The remains of St. Cedd are supposed to be buried just to the right of the alter under the small church and there are a number of old carved stones to view. On approaching the church, I could feel it. Energy! Once inside the church, I could feel it pulsating strongly and I remarked to one of my colleagues – it’s like a heartbeat! Down inside the crypt, the heartbeat was strong and regular. To sit there and silently experience the energy pulsating was I think
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