The Magical world of G. Michael Vasey – New Podcast Series!

In the very near future, I will be launching an all new podcast series called The Magical world of G. Michael Vasey (after this site basically!). In the podcasts, I will be focused on thoughts, views and evidence for the nature of reality. As both a PhD scientist and a trained Magician, I hope to bring some unique perspectives…..


The podcast will be an eclectic mix of things including;

  • True stories of the paranormal that I have collected over the years – read by myself,
  • Interviews with others in the field,
  • A poem or two about my own visions and thoughts about reality,
  • Perhaps an occasional guest read of true paranormal stories by someone like Darren Marlar of Weird Darkness fame using material from my audiobooks,
  • Readings from my books on magic and the creating reality
  • Whatever else seems to fit as I go along.

I aim to keep these under 30 minutes long at least initially as experience with professional podcasts (CTRMRadio) suggests this is an ideal length.

I will also use my own music – both songs I have recorded and eerie filler made on the fly….throughout the podcasts.

More news on the launch shortly.

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