Recently, I wrote a song called Risky Business. actually, I’ve written a lot of songs but this one is one of may favorites. You can listen to it below… I’ve had a number of reactions to the lyrics however. I say that “you must blame yourself” in the song – which is about life in general. A couple of people queried this line and I thought I would respond. What this song is about is accepting personal responsibility. That’s a pretty unpopular idea these days as everyone more or less blames everything and everyone for their problems and rarely simply accepts that their life is their own responsibility. In my little book on creating reality, I said… As an esotericist, I have come to the conclusion that I am responsible
Read More »Punk Politics
I remember very well the adrenalin rush I felt on hearing God Save the Queen by the Pistols. I also recall being disgusted by their behavior when interviewed on TV and yet, I was also enthralled and fascinated. The music establishment was crumbling under the assault by The Clash, Sex Pistols, and many more like them. It was shocking fashion, shocking talk and shocking and outrageous behavior. A kick in the face to all the nice people with their nice cosy lives and boring bale existences…. It was fun while it lasted. Eventually, the status quo prevailed. Punk became the new romantics, The Police and well, mainstream again. Looking back, it was a rush, exciting, but just a back alley. We grew up. We became part of the system we
Read More »Self-Publishing Pop
I’m not sure why I write books. It’s certainly not for the money! I guess I just enjoy the challenge of creating something, floating it by people and seeing if I can make a success of it! To me, putting out books has something of the flavor of the pop industry in the 70’s – you put out a single and watch it chart – or not – hoping to be #1 on the hit parade for a week or two all the while knowing that you are only getting a small pittance for the record. It is simply fun. Especially when combined with things that interest you. You see, I enjoy strange stories of the paranormal, I am interested in the occult, magic and the nature of reality –
Read More »Responsibility
As an esotericist, I have come to the conclusion that I am responsible for myself. I have half an idea that for many new agers and the like, this statement is akin to saying I am a satanist, but I stand by my statement none the less. We all create our reality – this place we live in. We create it in the way that we see things and how we act. Thoughts are things and they manifest as reality. Only I can create my reality therefore I am responsible for my thoughts and what they create. As a self responsible co-creator of this reality we live in, I must strive to improve myself. I don’t mean make more money or buy a bigger house. No, I mean improve myself
Read More »US Blues
Here is a funny and strange thing. While my Haunted Life books sit in the Amazon supernatural charts in the UK and around 5-10 books a day are consumed (thanks so much!), the US has deserted me. Its bizarre because I spent 20 years there and have more friends and contacts there than anywhere else……Hell, my three sons still live there! It’s also a large market and one that I need to crack to make progress. Take for example, January to date. UK – book sales in three figures (that in of itself is a first!) whereas in the USA just 35 sales……. I have the US blues… Any ideas fellow authors, scribblers and dreamers as to how to get the great US public to buy my books?
Read More »Expectation and the Power of Prayer
A few weeks ago, someone posted in the local Brno-based group on Facebook that the supermarkets here always had empty shelves and that they couldn’t find a number of food items that they were used to in Germany. Politely, I made the comment that I never had experienced that problem and pointed them to a number of locations stocking the items that they needed. I also made the remark that we must live in parallel universes. Not knowing me, that comment was taken the wrong way but I actually meant it. To me, this was another example of magic at work. We get what we expect. The German plainly had an expectation contrary to mine, that the supermarket shelves were often empty and, as a result, they were. On the
Read More »Allie the Dragon and the Golden Shoes
I have been reading some of my own stories to my daughter recently and she really likes them. Last night she asked if I could write a story about Lions and Tigers. I will give that a go in the coming weeks. However, one of her favorite characters is one that I made up over 20-years ago now. The character is now known to all of my children and her name is Allie the Dragon. Allie is a big friendly dragon that can talk and visits small children at bedtime. She knocks on the bedroom window and then will take the child on a trip on her back. Over the years, Allie had flown my children everywhere – even to the Moon. My daughter seems to really like the Allie
Read More »Canyons and Cowboys
In 1988, I got a dream posting with my then employer, Price Waterhouse. Houston, Texas for 12-months. It was a no-brainer and we were packed and gone in a matter of weeks. We moved to a nice suburban town northeast of Houston called Kingwood into a rented house. It was so big, it felt like a palace to us, and it even had an outdoor Jacuzzi! Kingwood has grown since then, but even in the late 80’s it was quite large. To me all the streets looked the same at first, and all had similar names. That’s how, the first day at work in downtown Houston, it took me more than 2-hours to find the house! I was driving around and around and could not find the house at all.
Read More »A Caustic World is Cause to Know Thyself
I know that sometimes my views upset people. Sorry, I am entitled to my views and you yours so if you are going to unfriend me simply because my views are different then fine – go ahead. The world has become increasingly caustic anyway and so this closed minded attitude that I observe routinely around me is no surprise – though it is disappointing. Let me cite a few examples of what I term this caustic attitude. These days people jump to convict on conviction without knowing all or in most instances, any of the facts. Somehow they simply believe that they are right and there can be no debate about it. None at all. A couple of examples come to mind. A young black man was shot and killed
Read More »The Check (or Cheque)
I went to my bank this lunchtime here in Brno in the Czech Republic with something I haven’t seen in quite a while – a paper cheque. Actually, it was a paper check as it originated in the good old US of A. I took it to the cashier and she took it and looked at it carefully. “What is it?” she asked. “A check,” said I, with a smile. I was asked to take my check and take a seat. About five minutes later, one of the ladies from the back office came looking for the ‘American with the paper check’. I’m unsure as to which was more unusual – the American (naturalized) or the paper check! We sat down at her desk and she pulled out a huge manual.
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