A few weeks ago, someone posted in the local Brno-based group on Facebook that the supermarkets here always had empty shelves and that they couldn’t find a number of food items that they were used to in Germany. Politely, I made the comment that I never had experienced that problem and pointed them to a number of locations stocking the items that they needed. I also made the remark that we must live in parallel universes. Not knowing me, that comment was taken the wrong way but I actually meant it. To me, this was another example of magic at work. We get what we expect.
The German plainly had an expectation contrary to mine, that the supermarket shelves were often empty and, as a result, they were. On the other hand, my expectations are that supermarkets are well stocked and for me, they are. I expect poor customer service here and thats often what I get. My fault. I should try better to expect good customer service!
A couple of weeks ago, my salary was sent early from the USA due to the holidays there. The money should have arrived by Wednesday. On Thursday, it had not arrived and I began to worry that it had got lost. Modern banking isn’t reliable and they do make mistakes. About every 4 months, my money goes missing. It vaporizes into thin air between the US and the Czech Republic and none of the banks will ever admit it is their fault nor that they know where my money is. Usually, it either eventually arrives or it ends up back in our company account in the USA. The problem is that as soon as the money isn’t there, I begin to expect that the banks have yet again screwed it up. This time, however, I decided I wasn’t going to let that happen. My remedy was to pray. Yes – pray.
I sat and I focused my mind. God is everywhere, all knowing and all seeing. I thanked the all knowing, all seeing Deity for my blessings and then asked that my money show up the next day. I pictured the money sitting on my account. I visualized my money being in my bank account when I checked it online the next morning. I made myself believe that there was no possible way for it not to be there. There was not a shadow of a doubt in my mind since the Deity is all seeing, all knowing and all powerful, there was nothing else to do but confidently await the next day. The money was of course there.
This is how prayer works. This is how magic works and this is how we create reality.
Perhaps a good example of this is when you simply know something is so. There are times when I know that Hull City will win or lose or draw. I don’t mean I fancy a win or a loss I mean I KNOW. I am always right in these instances without fail. The KNOWING is faith in an outcome so strong that no other outcome is possible. None.
Prayer is a key part of life and of creating our lives. Proper prayer cannot fail to produce results. Proper prayer involves visualization and it can be a willful act of magic. Prayer should be a conversation with the Creator that begins with thanks and gratitude. Give it a try. It works.