Dumb and Dumber?

I notice more and more that I tend to write about a few themes on this blog. At times, it is as if I am repeating myself but each time in a different way and maybe with a little more depth. I guess this is my personal journey of discovery and I am sharing it with you all but I do apologize if occasionally you think I keep beating the same drum…. This post may fall into one of those themes too which is I am losing it! Life is so complex and so fluid with so many interactions and things to do and recall that I honestly sometimes wonder if I am losing it altogether. Recently, I have had this feeling a lot. Surely, life should be simpler than

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Soul for Sale?

What do Jimmy Saville and Lance Armstrong have in common? They both fooled everyone for quite a considerable time and both were considered heros. I feel a deep sense of disappointment and outrage regarding the pair of them and others like them. They are not alone. Without perhaps subscribing to what I consider to be rather silly conspiracy theories, I have long suspected that many successful people have ‘sold their souls’. No, I am not saying that they wrote some contract with Satan or Elizabeth Hurley! I am simply saying that at some point either their quest for fame led them to do things that otherwise they may not have done in order to succeed or perhaps, having succeeded their egos got so engorged with fame, they decided they could

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The Art of Dreaming

I love to dream. At least I love to dream good dreams and still suffer too many nightmares. Dreams provide a glimpse into the inner workings of the soul and are very much worthwhile recording. OK, some dreams are just a mish mash of nonsense but some hold deep significance. In my book, Inner Journeys, I talk about a dream that I still have periodically. My house dream. I can’t truly express how I feel about this house, well, sprawling mansion. I adore it with an intensity that defies description. Sometimes, the house seems partly unfinished, partly built and occupied and in other areas, partly ruined and left to the ravages of time. This house contains treasures beyond description and its nooks and crannies contain surprises; sometimes unpleasant surprises. In

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