Inner Journeys – The Foreword By Dolores

The foreword for my first book – Inner Journeys: Explorations of the Soul (Thoth, 2005) was kindly written by Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki. For those of you that have never seen it, here it is……. When one enters a school for spiritual training there will always be a time of apprehension. What will it be like, what will I be asked to do, will I be able to cope? In actual fact 90% of students find all their questions answered within a few weeks and settle down to their studies with varying degrees of enthusiasm punctuated by the odd moments of boredom. Studying the occult is like any other study, you have good and bad days, some parts are interesting and others make you want to throw your papers out of the

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The Measurement Problem

As a small boy, I recall quite often thinking and imagining that in reality, I was sat on a chair in a small room looking at a TV screen and controlling myself through a set of knobs and levers in front to me. In this dreamlike imagining, there were rows upon rows of these small rooms or booths each with an occupant managing their virtual life. Remember, I was thinking and dreaming this in the mid 1960’s before color TVs, computers, virtual reality and The Matrix movie. I mentioned this also in Inner Journeys: Explorations of the Soul. Additionally, at that age, I had not widely read any books and quite honestly, other than Watch with Mother, I hadn’t seen much TV either (in black and white on a box-like

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Books and Stuff

After finishing Inner Journeys: Explorations of the Soul (Thoth, 2005), I became obsessed with the hexagram as a symbol. My meditations were focused on it and whatever I read seemed to resonate with it – including books like Comte de Gabalis. For 5-years I continued thinking about, meditating on and exploring the hexagram and its relationship to the elements, the tarot, the tree of life, to alchemy and to astrology. Periodically, I sat and wrote. But for some reason, I could not finish the book. Whatever I wrote, it seemed not to capture adequately the mysteries of the symbol and it seemed the book would never be finished. Initially, I sought information from other books that would back up what was coming through about the hexagram. In the end though,

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The Fool’s Journey

The last few weeks have seen me return to thoughts about the Way of the Fool. As if by magic, this has been reinforced as I reread a book called The Zelator which outlines the Way of the Fool extremely well. I will post a review of the book when I am finished with it but I can highly recommend it none the less. All this thought took me back to Inner Journeys in which the prologue is a poem I wrote about the Fool’s Journey. Here it is…. If you need some answers Look deep inside your mind For the inside is the outside Where all answers you can find On the Fool’s long journey You must start right at the end And walk your way backwards Imagination –

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Sucked in and Spat out

There are times when life simply sucks you in. The moment at which that sucking in begins is tough to actually identify but there comes a moment when you understand that you are once again totally wrapped up in life. I mean of course the outer life that can become all consuming. For me, the recognition arrives numbingly in the form of a general but nondescript feeling of tiredness and lack of energy. Next is often some form of low grade illness that no matter what will not go away. At this point, one simply feels encased in imagined responsibilities, stresses and pressures and there can truly seem to be no escape. Until you realize and understand that the operative word is “IMAGINED.” At these moments, it pays to examine

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For years this site has more or less covered its costs via the google and amazon ads but these days few people click the ads or buy anything off this site via Amazon. Not sure why. However, if you would like to help me keep this site up and running you could help in one of two or three ways; 1. Buy a book or two from Amazon using my book links in the sidebar. I get a little commission that way, 2. Buy a book directly from me – you can get autographed Inner Journeys and soon Mystical Hexagram directly from me – email me for details at Gary at asterothsdomain dot com 3. Donate a small amount via PayPal by clicking on the donate button in the sidebar.

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Books For Sale

I have 15 brand shiney new copies of Inner Journeys ready to ship to anyone who wants them. Cost is 10GBP plus P&P. I will dedicate the book to the buyer which might help resale values….. Let me know if interested in buying a copy…. gary at garymvasey dot com.

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Thoth Publications to offer kindle version of IJ

Tom at Thoth tells me he is going to make Inner Journeys available in Kindle and other electronic formats in the near future. With The Mystical Hexagram coming out soon, this should increase the availability of Inner Journeys to anyone who wants to purchase it. I have also created a Facebook page for Inner Journeys so if you have a FB account, please do pop over there and like the page or leave your comments about the book…. Thanks

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The Mystical Hexagram

After one final push to complete the book, it is now with Datura Press and should be out by end of August. The full title is “The Mystical Hexagram: The Seven Inner Stars of Power” and I co-wrote this with SC Vincent. We are both excited to see it appear and soon there will be a website to go with the book. It sort of picks up where “Inner Journeys” left off…. We hope you will like it!

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The Art of Dreaming

I love to dream. At least I love to dream good dreams and still suffer too many nightmares. Dreams provide a glimpse into the inner workings of the soul and are very much worthwhile recording. OK, some dreams are just a mish mash of nonsense but some hold deep significance. In my book, Inner Journeys, I talk about a dream that I still have periodically. My house dream. I can’t truly express how I feel about this house, well, sprawling mansion. I adore it with an intensity that defies description. Sometimes, the house seems partly unfinished, partly built and occupied and in other areas, partly ruined and left to the ravages of time. This house contains treasures beyond description and its nooks and crannies contain surprises; sometimes unpleasant surprises. In

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