Audio Books
Very shortly, my collection of poetry – The Art of Science – will become available as an audio book. It will shortly be followed by the audio version of the supernatural Amazon hit – My Haunted Life Too. Today, I am uploading for the first time the sound trailer for the My Haunted Life Too book. I think it is sensational and gives me the chills…. take a listen. It is narrated and produced byAlan Philip Ormond – an actor trained in England with many years experience in both the theatre and in film production. It will be out shortly.
Read More »News, News and More News
It is very busy round here….. Yes, indeed! First, I decided to change the name and cover of one of my Kindle books. Wizards, Warlock’s and Magicians is now God’s Pretenders – Incredible True Tales of Magic and Alchemy and the cover now looks like this, Although the book has had a steady trickle of sales, we decided that maybe we would experiment a bit…. to see if it has any impact at all. Next, both the Art of Science and My Haunted Life Too are nearing completion as audio books. I am particularly excited about My Haunted Life Too as the producer is sensational – let’s just say that I get the chills listening to the stories read by him! The Art of Science will make it first I think
Read More »Allie the Dragon and the Golden Shoes
I have been reading some of my own stories to my daughter recently and she really likes them. Last night she asked if I could write a story about Lions and Tigers. I will give that a go in the coming weeks. However, one of her favorite characters is one that I made up over 20-years ago now. The character is now known to all of my children and her name is Allie the Dragon. Allie is a big friendly dragon that can talk and visits small children at bedtime. She knocks on the bedroom window and then will take the child on a trip on her back. Over the years, Allie had flown my children everywhere – even to the Moon. My daughter seems to really like the Allie
Read More »Canuting
The title of this post is a made up word. Canuting comes from Canute and behaving like him. Who on earth is Canute I hear you ask mentally if not out loud. King Canute was King of Norway, England, Denmark and parts of Sweden who lived between 985 or 995 – 1035. More information may be found here. Any English school child will be more than familiar with the story of King Canute and the waves. In this story, the King is adored by his courtiers and proclaimed to be all powerful so powerful in fact that he can control the elements. To demonstrate the foolishness of such claims, Canute has his throne placed on the beach and from there, he orders the tide to stay out. As the tide
Read More »Divide et impera
What is the definition of divide and conquer? A strategy for achieving political or military control (my italics). There are a lot of ways to divide and conquer but the three that most easily come to mind are as follows; 1. Nationality 2. Religion 3. Race Politicians use all three of these and many others on an almost daily basis to gain what they want for their personal power. They pit us against one another by playing to our sense of injustice. The us and them statements designed to obtain an emotional response because if we surely thought about what we are being said we would recognise it as BS it really is. I’m English and a yorkshireman apparently. Why? Because by accident of birth I was born there. Nothing
Read More »A Caustic World is Cause to Know Thyself
I know that sometimes my views upset people. Sorry, I am entitled to my views and you yours so if you are going to unfriend me simply because my views are different then fine – go ahead. The world has become increasingly caustic anyway and so this closed minded attitude that I observe routinely around me is no surprise – though it is disappointing. Let me cite a few examples of what I term this caustic attitude. These days people jump to convict on conviction without knowing all or in most instances, any of the facts. Somehow they simply believe that they are right and there can be no debate about it. None at all. A couple of examples come to mind. A young black man was shot and killed
Read More »Holiday Characters
There is something about people watching on vacation isn’t there? I just managed about 10-days of it on Kos and I was once again astounded at the range of characters included under the heading human race. Since we were at an all inclusive resort, the place to begin is with trough behaviour. While I will admit to some over eating myself, it is inevitable I suspect, I saw some absolutely amazing behaviour when it came to food, drinks and places to eat or drink. It wasn’t so much the plates piled like Mount Everest but the jockeying for position in order to be first to get the just put out melon, ice cream or coffee. Elbowing, shoving and other obnoxious forms of behaviour were on full display. By the pool
Read More »Who is Lisa Ann?
I must confess to having read a story on one of the newspaper sites about the browsing stats published by a pornographic outlet called Pornhub. Apparently, the average Brit visits this site for just under 10 minutes a day if I understood it correctly which is just behind the US but significantly more than much of the rest of the world. Most revealing was the fact that a small town called Ware wins the award for most compulsive pornography viewing town in the UK. I have vaguely heard of Ware but that’s about it. Actually, the data, if you can stomach it, is pretty revealing. Apparently, what does for an American isn’t a Brit’s cup of tea and there appears to be a good deal of nationalism when it comes
Read More »New Book Review up on Strange Book Reviews
My new book review site at Strange Book Reviews is gradually growing in terms of the books that I have managed to read and review. If you pop over there, you will find three categories; 1. Book reviews – where I have actually reviewed the book 2. Informational listings – Just the book cover and blurb from amazon – most of these I would like to read if I ever get the time. 3. Being reviewed – These books are on my reading list and I expect to review them in the next several weeks. Do pop over from time-to-time and take a look… Meanwhile, my latest review was for the Initiate by Sue Vincent and Stuart France…. Here it is in full. Firstly, this is a deeply unique book
Read More »The Secret Anti-Aging Formula…
There is a surreal feel about getting older. Inside, we tend to think of ourselves in a state of eternal youth. I guess for me that would be an age of say 25. From my thinking perspective, I feel no different than when I was in my mid-twenties. But then you catch a glimpse in the mirror or you see a photograph and there it is…. wrinkles, gray hair, paunch, double chin. Sad isn’t it? How people approach aging is also interesting. For some, any visible sign of aging is to be avoided. Anti-aging and anti-wrinkle creams, plastic surgery, injections of growth hormone, whatever it takes to fool mostly themselves into believing that they do not age. Billions upon countless billions spent pursuing eternal youth. The vast majority of us
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