Thoughts and Prayers Wanted

Many of you will know that Sue Vincent, my co-author on the Mystical Hexagram as well as a good friend, has been suffering from a severe digestive tract problem for some time, and has been living in considerable pain, while she waits for an exploratory operation. Yesterday, while traveling back from a walking weekend in the North of England, she had to stop the car just off the M6 motorway in Cheshire and call for an ambulance. She is now in Crewe hospital and was being assessed for emergency surgery last night (Tuesday 27 March). Please keep Sue in your thoughts and prayers and send her some healing light. Many Thanks.

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Thoughts On Meditation

When I first started out on this path, I was very concerned about whether I was doing it right. What was meditation and visualization? Eventually, I seemed to stumble into it though and despite occasionally questioning my version of meditation and visualization against what I read as other people’s experience, I began to realize that what I do works for me and gained confidence. I now realize that I have in fact spent many innumerable hours meditating without even realizing that I was doing it. As a child growing up in England, I had quite a distance to walk everyday back and forth to school. To kill the boredom of the walk, I would imagine that I was a pop star with my own band and a song in the

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