The Dichotomy of Science and the Occult
Scientists mostly fall into the materialist-reductionist camp quick to dispel or write off anything ‘new age’, mystical or magical. For these folk, consciousness is created by the brain somehow – exactly how is unknown however. As science is moved forward by the publishing and peer review process, we tend to see a punctuated evolution of ideas that are published, scrutinized and then replaced. Scientists mostly live in their own little world conversing with their peers in their ivory towers. Periodically, the contents of their world explode into ours as the media picks up on some published research that perhaps has some impact on the masses. I am a trained scientist so I think I have every right to make these observations. Of course, quantum physics has caused much consternation in
Read More »Magical Practice and Imagination
Sometimes the thought of meditating and conducting what amount to tortuous mental exercises is less than compelling. It takes effort, it is repetitive and you can go for weeks without any meaningful results. But there is no way out. You can’t learn magic from a book! It has to be via hours and hours of practice. Sometimes, I go for days without doing formal exercises instead practicing various things like pore breathing and so on in those moments when I have some time. After a while, I make a renewed effort to get formal again. The plain fact is, its pretty bloody tedious. The biggest part of magic is imagination. You simply have to be able to imagine and to see/feel/hear things that you imagine. One exercise I practice all
Read More »More Thoughts On Reality
It is funny how sometimes life brings you continually back to a certain point. Right now I am back to trying to complete the book on the Hexagram with Sue Vincent. It is as if I am being forced to address the idea that I need to do this. It is compelling – something is compelling me to continually revisit and write this damned book. In doing a little bit of research I came across a fascinating video… watch it below…. Now why would I be looking at strange stuff like this? Simple – physics says 10 dimensions, occultists say 10 emanations. I understand the video. I’m sure you will too. The question I have is this; Why is my consciousness in this dimension and place right now? Why not
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