An Excerpt from The Last Observer
Edward looked into Stan’s face. There was expectancy about the look he gave Stan. “I am sure that you have many questions Stanley but take your time. I have as long as we need.” Somehow, Stan didn’t like this feeling that he had around Edward sometimes. It was a feeling that Edward was entirely in control and knew exactly how Stanley felt. “Well,” he began, “I have been doing some research along the lines that you had suggested.” He paused to think. “And, I have reviewed the files that you left with me as well.” Stanley could feel Edwards gaze. “What do you mean by the term observer?” he asked. “Well, an observer is someone who has the power to create reality,” replied Edward. “But, everyone creates their own reality
Read More »Obsession with a Symbol
The hexagram. It’s a beautiful symbol of balance used extensively around the world and in everyday life. The hexagram might be said to represent the ALL THAT IS and because of its internal symmetry, it represents the ALL THAT IS in perfect harmonious balance – pure perfection. It is a symbol of perfection but it suggests too that perfection or harmony is something very delicate, immensely fragile, and it is easily lost. It is something that must be purposely sought for. It is the symbol of the Sun and, it is the symbol of the Son holding Tiphareth at its very center. It has a golden heart. The hexagram signifies the Great Work of Alchemy. It signifies the emanated and the source. It is the ALL and its creation or
Read More »Fast Food for the Soul
The world is full of hype isn’t it? All around the internet you will find articles such as ’15 ways to be happy’, ’10 ways to lose weight’ or, ‘3 reasons to quit smoking’. Why do all these hyped articles involve numbers? What is it about listing a small number of things that appeals to readers? I’ll tell you. Time and efficiency. Why would I read an essay if I can get 12 short statements? ‘The seven habits of effective people’ – another example. Everything must be boiled down to the bare bones and presented quickly. It’s fast food for the soul! The problem is surely that being eternal, why would the soul want fast food? In fact, its the body and maybe the ego that wants instant gratification. The
Read More »A New review of the Mystical Hexagram
By Alienora Taylor – our thanks to her for this… At the start of this remarkable book, and referring, in this instance, to symbols, the authors wrote, ‘…reaching into the viscera of humankind,’ a phrase which struck me forcibly – and which, to my mind, encapsulates beautifully what Vasey and Vincent have achieved in their writing. Part intellectual journey, part esoteric exploration, at all times eminently readable, this short book takes us on a voyage of discovery through the deep seas of The Tree of Life, symbolism, Tarot, planets/metals, numerology, astrology, psychology, and alchemy. Centring upon the Great Work – a concept which can be understood both exoterically and esoterically – the chapters examine, in commendable depth and detail, the manifold connections contained within these two triangles, six sides and
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