A Caustic World is Cause to Know Thyself
I know that sometimes my views upset people. Sorry, I am entitled to my views and you yours so if you are going to unfriend me simply because my views are different then fine – go ahead. The world has become increasingly caustic anyway and so this closed minded attitude that I observe routinely around me is no surprise – though it is disappointing. Let me cite a few examples of what I term this caustic attitude. These days people jump to convict on conviction without knowing all or in most instances, any of the facts. Somehow they simply believe that they are right and there can be no debate about it. None at all. A couple of examples come to mind. A young black man was shot and killed
Read More »The New Religion
Who was it that said ‘if you lie often enough people will believe you?’ Apparently, John Kerry and Prince Charles subscribe to this tenet. Both have resorted to calling ‘climate change deniers’ a whole lot of very nasty names recently. Shame on them for continuing to propagate this nonsense and even more shame of them for denying freedom of speech or a differing opinion. Nether are fit to hold the office that they hold. For Charles he has an excuse as he was born into the role, Kerry, well, he is a politician aka a scumbag. I don’t think either of them have a single qualification that enables them to have an opinion on the matter. Neither have any expertise on the topic. They simply both seem to worship at
Read More »The Biggest Con in History
I have a short temper. I do! I have to work on it at all times. If there is one thing that will invariably get me to blow my top, its the topic of Global warming. I think many who know me also know this. The idea being propagated by well funded propaganda machine is that somehow we are headed to disaster if we keep polluting the planet with CO2 – a greenhouse gas – that has already warmed the planet up and is responsible for any outbreak of bad weather we see and, in a few more years will reach tipping point and we will all fry in a horrible planetary death event…. OK – that last bit is exaggerated but you get my drift. Not only is this
Read More »New Age Socialism
What exactly is it about following a spiritual path that suddenly brings out the nutty side of people? Do people suddenly leave their brain in a jar by the door? Why do new age people think they need to be nut job environmentalists and socialists? Do they think that to be spiritual requires this? If so then they should reconsider. More or less the first thing we all learn studying magic is about duality and polarity. We learn that everything is polar and that what we need to do is try to balance everything out – reconcile the opposites. It’s not easy to do I will admit but we learn that one polarity is just as bad as the other in terms of what it is not. The Tree of
Read More »Presidential Myth Making
Those that know me also know that one subject and one subject alone can get me truly very angry. That subject is the idea that man-made CO2 is responsible for ‘global warming’ and today I am very mad because Mr. Obama, presumably to detract attention away from his complete mismanagement of Government and everything else, has decided to jump on the bandwagon. I’m sorry to my friends and eldest son who love this man, but he is to me the worst President the US ever had simply because he doesn’t appear to actually stand for anything except himself and now – the myth of global warming. People – global temperatures haven’t risen in the last 15-years. I’m not going to get into all the arguments because frankly I have made
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