In the latest episode of the Magical World of G. Michael Vasey podcast, I talk with a founder of the Silent Eye School of Consciousness – Stephen Tanham.
Steve is a mystical teacher, writer, poet and prolific photographer. He is a founding Director of the Silent Eye School of Consciousness, a not-for-profit, international distance-learning organisation that provides a mentored path to deep and practical spiritual consciousness. The Silent Eye programme works on the basis of a three year internal journey across an inner landscape mapped by a spiritual version of the enneagram.
The Silent Eye’s mentored journey may be considered in three stages as:
– Understanding our selves – the character;
– Alignment of self with the spiritual;
– Opening the faces of Spiritual Love.
Steve’s spiritual path to the Silent Eye includes growing up in a Rosicrucian family and rising to become the leader of the local affiliated body, then Regional Monitor, and finally Grand Councillor for the North of England, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
A desire to widen his knowledge of the Western Mystery Tradition led to seven years of service with the Servants Of the Light, (SOL), headed by well-known author and magician Dolores Ashcroft Nowicki. Steve ended his days with SOL as a member of the ARC – Administrative Resource Council, where he was responsible for taking the School’s lesson systems into the internet age. He is a Third Degree Initiate of the Servants of the Light- its highest honour.
In 2012, Steve left SOL to establish his own school – The Silent Eye, soon to be joined by co-Directors Sue Vincent and Stuart France. The Silent Eye has students (Companions) on four continents. Its website is
Steve lives in the English Lake District with his wife, Bernie, a cat and a dog. His books are available on Amazon (UK and International).
In the podcast, we discuss magic versus mysticism, growing up in a Rosicrucian family, how an interest in Qabalah led him to the Servants of the Light and how he helped organize the administration of that school and how and why he set up the Silent Eye along with Sue Vincent and Stuart France. It’s an open and honest discussion. Please do listen in and share it on social media.
You can find out more about Steve by visiting his Sun in Gemini blog at and the Silent Eye at its website. I also interviewed Sue Vincent in Episode 2 of this podcast series.
Steve is also the author of a number of books that can be found on Amazon. In particular, I can recommend his book – The Beast in the Cafe – as one that captivated me.