The new album is now out and available at Amazon, iTunes, Spotify, Deezer, and many more outlets for streaming or purchase. At just under $10 for 14 songs it is great value so go out and but it! There is something on it you will like……..
Here is the track listing;
- The anatomy of Love – all new song
- You are my song
- Addicted
- Girl on the Phone – new version
- Cold-hearted Girl – all new song
- It’s Not Right – new version
- Apocalypse – all new song
- Run for the Hills – new version and remixed
- Free – new version
- End of the World
- Singing my Song – all new song
- Keep Your Head UP! – all new song
- Far Away – all new song
- It’s My Life
The title relates to, and parallels, my life over the last two years in many ways. It goes from the despair of splitting up with a long-term partner, to the ups and downs of single life, dating and so on, to the final discover that it is my life and I am its master. This is the anatomy of love in which one finds that self love is actually the key to happiness and security after all.
All songs written and performed by me – warts and all!
$10. It’s not much but it would support my song writing addiction….. and I thank you if you do buy it. If not, put it on repeat stream on Spotify and leave it playing for days on end…. even if silently LOL.
The cover photo is also by me and it is an angel face from an ancient fountain at Pernstejn castle, near to Brno here in the Czech Republic. I have also become interested in photography and this is an example…..
You can find it on Spotify here;