I maintain a facebook account and if anyone wants to friend me, I am OK with that… I assume they read my books or somehow know me. Just recently though, I have been inundated with lots of friend requests from really sexy looking young women. As usual, I just said Ok and carried on. But these new friends appeared insistent upon talking to me. Well, I’m not averse to talking to nice looking young women – or anyone for that matter, so I chatted back.
The first strange thing I noted was that each of these women seemed to have very bad luck. One told me she was raped and now has an 11-year son from that who she is raising by herself. Her mother died in childbirth and her father in a car accident several years ago. She hasn’t had a relationship for 11-years and someone older and more reliable would be nice. OK? But you are in Los Angeles so what has this to do with me? Ah…. well maybe you could send me some money?
Well, I have to tell you that I am a very suspicious person and I was suspicious when these women started messaging me. I was even more suspicious at the hard luck stories and why they would tell me intimate life details like this so quickly. So I did what I think Facebook should do automatically when someone registers – I reverse google searched the pictures on their profile. I went along with the flow knowing that the pictures were indeed fake and mainly of dead porn stars until the point that they asked me for money. At which point, I sent them the results of the image search, reported them to FB and blocked them.
Now here is the interesting thing. You would think that FB would delete these profiles right? Nope. They told me only to block the person because unless they were inciting race hatred or something, FB would tolerate their ‘criminal’ activities…
So there you have it. Dead pornstars are tolerated by FB who appear to believe that fake accounts designed to scam are just hunky dory.