So, once again I have been ‘nominated‘ on one of these blog hop things… this time to show off my work space!! So here goes.
I work from home in a small space fondly referred to as my office but in reality its the small guest bedroom and one could scarcely fling a cat in it… Strangely enough, it is almost the smallest room in our Brno apartment and, if you remove sleep hours from the equation, I probably spend 70% of my time sat in the corner of this small space. Rather bizarre when I come to think about it that way. It is my office, where I write, where I promote and market, where I meditate, where I deal with the mundane things like paying bills for example, its where I watch Hull City games on the internet, where I listen to music and, if my guitar was fully functional, where I would play that too. The photo below is dark I apologize but it gives an idea of how small this space is.
For my birthday this year I was bought an iMAC – I love the machine both in terms of its design and functionality. I also like that via the iCloud, it shares photos and music with my iPhone and iPad – Guess I like Apple products! Thats a photo of my Dad on Eigg with me many, many years ago hidden away in the corner but it reminds me of a great week spent with him.
The furniture is horrible cheap IKEA stuff I bought a while ago just to have somewhere to write and file stuff not realizing I would end up spending so much time here. We are looking for better, more spacious furniture so this may change in the near future. A more comfortable seat would be nice…
I also use this office to display some of my treasured items – photos of my kids, my Dad, Mum and drawings by Deni – That’s her looking down at me! A self portrait.
Among those treasured possessions are my Hull City stuff…
Of course, I also keep my books in here as well – it is all rather cramped. I’m afraid that much of my collection was left in Houston years ago and is now in storage somewhere so what I have are really just the books I treasure and consult very often – along with lots of bureaucratic files of old tax returns – US and Czech republic as I have to file in both countries – as well as documents relating to my various businesses. I bought those weights once thinking I might use them – how foolish! also there are my magical diaries, books to learn Czech and one or two other books that just get stored here. The photos are of Gabriela and my eldest son Paul sitting in the pilots seat of a Boeing 747 over the Atlantic taken years ago when terrorism on planes was unknown and pilots would welcome kids to the cockpit while in flight…
I am messy and allow things to pile up on the desk – today its not too bad as we had overnight guests a week ago and I had to tidy up! The lighter is for candles as I no longer smoke and I burn those candles in the blue sodalite candle holder by the speaker there…
I mostly write with music – meditation or otherwise – and so the speakers are an important part of my writing toolset.
So there you go…. this is where it all happens…. or doesn’t.
I will turn over this blog hop to Nick Wale as he too works at home in Prague and I would love to see how he is set up. Additionally, I will nominate a prolific poet who I have never met and don’t know but I sure enjoy his poems…. – Paul F. Lenzi. I hope they don’t mind….
A lovely personal sharing i enjoyed very much. Thank you, Gary.
My best to you
Thanks John and I am glad you enjoyed it…