I published my second book of poetry a couple of years ago and for some reason chose to do so on Lulu.com. The problem with that was it was a very expensive finished product and there was no way to make a Kindle version. Late last year, I used Amazon to publish Astral Messages – my third book or poetry – and it was so easy….. This made me think. Why not re-do Poems for the Little Room on Amazon? So – very shortly, a new version of Poems for the Little Room will be available in paperback and Kindle formats from the Amazon sites. It will still be a tad pricey because its full color but nothing like the price on Lulu.com…
My three books of poetry –
Astral Messages: Poetry from Beyond, Createspace, 2013
Astral Messages is my third book of poetry. It uses poems and blog articles from – Asteroth’s Domain – in a poetic discussion about reality and magic. From the opening ethereal beauty of “Astral Messages” to the humor of the questioning about “Why is life so dirty”, this is a collection of 17 new poems. Each is coupled with a short article to strengthen and bolster the points being made. At the end of the day, we are all magicians willfully creating our realities and Astral Messages demonstrates how this touches all aspects of our lives – yes, even our socks!
Available in paperback and Kindle formats from the Amazon sites.
ISBN-10: 1490312633
ISBN-13: 978-1490312637
Weird Tales: Other world Poetry, Booksurge, 2006
Weird Tales is the second book published by Dr. G. Michael Vasey and it is a collection of poems or simply ‘words on paper.’ 31 poems written over many years ranging from love poems to comments on modern society. It’s all there….
There are words
I could use to tell you
Exactly how I feel
But they have no meaning
For they are just words
Awkward sounds juxtaposed
Lacking translation
Losing their meaning
ISBN-10: 141965277X
ISBN-13: 978-1419652776
and the soon to be re-issued Poems for the Little Room.