While still hoping that The Last Observer will find its own audience and take off a bit (two more great reviews today!), I am still quiet excited about my next book – Astral Messages. Since Astral Messages is a mix of poetry and blog articles I have gone the self publishing route using the Amazon publisher. Poetry doesn’t sell much and I think this book will be more one for the connoisseur than Joe Public. What I like though is that I was able to combine a poem with an article from Asteroth’s Domain in such a way that one supported the other. These truly are messages from the astral so I think its a great title.
I am now waiting for the proof copy. It should be winging its way from wherever Amazon makes books and once I am happy with it I will hit that button and suddenly Astral Messages will be available on Amazon in paperback and kindle formats. Makes things so easy. So look out for Astral Messages coming soon.
Meanwhile, I am working on The Lord of the Elements. This is the prequel to The Last Observer and naturally features Edward. I can’t actually say much more as to do so would give too much away for readers of The Last Observer! The book will however retain the theme of magic, science and reality. I haven’t yet finished Chapter 1 and I confess as to be clueless regarding the actual plot so this may take a while to see the light of day. Of course, I left a couple of cracks open for a sequel too so this may become the Edward Bright trilogy!
Amongst my computer files is also a few pages of something else rather promising. Its more material from Asteroth in a Mystical Hexagram vein but this one needs some research doing too and also needs me to work through the themes and explore more of the hints Asteroth gave me regarding the Tree of Life and the Fool. It is tentatively titled “The Fool’s Journey” and it may never actually see the light of day. But who knows.
Writing is fun and quite honestly, if I could make it pay just a bit, it’s something I’d like to slowly retire to. Writing, presenting and meeting people with strange ideas….