
I love to write. I always have.

For many years I wrote songs and poetry. Playing the guitar, many of these were also set to music… I have a couple of songs that I think are quite good the rest, well, I had fun. Some of those songs and poems are in Weird Tales others are in a huge file of yellowing papers many dating back to 1973.

In my professional career, I have also written many many articles and three books. I also have chapters in three other books. All on energy and commodities. One of the articles was even quoted by the US Congress report into the impact of speculators in commodity markets….

However, it was Inner Journeys that I think marked my first real effort at writing something meaningful. The Mystical Hexagram followed. I have tons of ideas for other books too but I find that, in order to write, I need solitude. Sometime solitude is difficult to come by. But if I feel I just have say 30 minutes to write then I find I cannot because I feel pressured. Furthermore, I write better after meditation for some reason. So, to write, I need 3-4 hours of uninterrupted time….. with a five year old daughter, that’s often a tall order.

Just recently, I have found myself yearning to write. I would love to give up my day job and be a writer…. I see myself in a small house in the country with a studio writing books. This house has a tower. The tower room is my writing studio and it too is full of books… I adore books as much as I like to write. The idea of making a living writing is my dream and its a dream I am determined to fulfill. One day soon, I will be sat in my round room typing, dreaming, creating, imagining strange and wonderful yarns……..

I have started work on my first novel. The title will be The Last Observer. Plainly, it will have an esoteric theme…..

Wish me luck!

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