Knights in Shining Armour
In the Mystical Hexagram, I talk of the horny hardened matter that we build up through life and I have discussed it another post on this blog too. As we get older, we lose our imaginative abilities to a great extent and we lose our childlike qualities. We form a shield if you will, against hurt, against pain, against trust, against the rest of the world. We hide. Our own experiences can make this hardened layer impermeable and impenetrable like a layer of very hard and rough skin. In the past, this defensive skin has been portrayed as horns of hardened material why? because there is a relationship to the dark Moon – to Selene – for as we grow our horns of life – we sleep easier. The hardened
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I recall singing that song when I was a small child and wondering what did it mean? – Life is just a dream? Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream. But where did this come from and who wrote it? A bit of research suggests that the earliest printing of it was in 1852 but who wrote it and why seems lost in the mists of time. If anyone knows, please let me know… I thought life a dream when I was a child or rather, I thought it a game that I controlled. It was a sort of virtual reality (as it would be called now) and I was sat in a box connected to a machine that
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