Best Laid Plans – Review

It’s not often I get a review for one of my poetry collections but this one for Best Laid Plans is one I really very much appreciate and so I am reproducing it here. It is on the Barnes & Noble website here. It is by LillyLee.

I personally, loved this unique and genuine glimpse into the authors mind; his thoughts and processes of the modern world as we know it and the emotions that come with it. His writings are something we can all connect with and relate to. The book speaks with great voice and character and makes you feel as if you have slipped into his mind to take a walk in his shoes. I would call it modern poetry maybe. If you are looking for something different, something new, something creative… look no further. I wish it were longer and have added a couple of his others to my TBR 🙂

Best Laid Plans and my other poetry volumes are available in paperback and Kindle formats.



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