The Pink Bus And The Blue One Too
A little while ago, I put out a book of short stories called The Pink Bus. I think it is some of my best work to date, I had it nicely edited by a wonderful editor (Alienora Taylor) and on the back of a big hit in Your Haunted Lives (still riding high), I sat back and crossed my fingers. Despite a good give away, the book sank without trace. I was gutted. So, I thought I would try an experiment. We took the content, changed the cover and title and even the author name and re-issued it. The giveaway was better and my unknown pen name sold a bunch of books. It’s not a huge hit but its doing alright. So, what did I learn? I’m not sure. Was
Read More »Ghosts, Reality and Long-Leggety Beasties
My summer cold of course decided to move into to my larynx and set up shop resulting in the last few days feeling distinctly unwell. The antibiotics are now kicking in and I’m recovering nicely. Meanwhile, I launched a new ghost and paranormal website at My Haunted Life Too. Why I did so I don’t really know as there are more than enough such sites around already but actually, I did it because I enjoy the stories and because I could. I do hope that over time, it will blossom into a real presence on the paranormal side of the web. Meanwhile, I am hard at work on my last book for a little while. Another ghost story book actually but I will say no more until it is out.
Read More »My Haunted Life Too – Reviewed
Here is a really nice review by Alienora Taylor – pop over to her blog – I promise you will enjoy it there…. Thanks to Alienora…. MY HAUNTED LIFE TOO: True Tales of the Paranormal By G.Michael Vasey This short collection of paranormal accounts takes us in a dizzying ride from Vasey’s childhood in Yorkshire, through creepy holidays in caravans and haunted cottages, into the truly nasty contents of American basements and, ultimately, on to the more spiritual, even uplifting, side of what we commonly refer to as a haunting experience. At the same time, this down-to-earth, mainly understated, series of stories asks the reader to think about the nature of reality – and, indeed, of our perception. How, Vasey asks, can we ever be sure of the reality of
Read More »Let us support fellow writers!
A Nice article about writers by an exceptionally gifted writer herself… Alienora Taylor. Check out her books on Amazon.
Read More »Long Leggety Beasties by Alienora Taylor
A super review of a really funny and excellent book…
Read More »Goats! Sex! and…… Builders!
An unusual blog title borrowed from a blogosphere pal Alienora Taylor. She is a pretty amazing writer and an avid (possibly addicted) blogger. She writes about her life with a brutal frankness and a bawdy sense of humor that can and does have you literally ROFLing…. (Roll on floor laughing for anyone who doesn’t know). How this lady isn’t a household name as a writer is beyond me as she has a golden pen and a viciously twisted and maliciously funny way of seeing things……So what about the Goats and Sex and those Builders? Well, for just a couple more days, you can download her hilarious novel Long Leggety Beasties for FREE! Go on, download the bugger. You will laugh until you cry and find out what the Goats, Sex
Read More »First Independent Review by Alienora Taylor
‘The Last Observer’ by Dr G. Michael Vasey Review by Alienora Taylor Read at a gallop, this slim racehorse of a novel impressed me enormously with its speed and performance. I was unable to halt the literary ‘ride’ – and nor, in all honesty, did I wish to! Dr Vasey plays with the conventional understanding of the word ‘observer’ to create a very different ‘tune’, one which contains within it the ability – inherent within most esoteric training – to affect reality through the medium of the imagination, of thought. And, in Vasey’s intense fictional world, it is precisely this ability which is under attack by what could be defined as the Dark Side. I do not wish to give the plot away because I think there is something to
Read More »A New review of the Mystical Hexagram
By Alienora Taylor – our thanks to her for this… At the start of this remarkable book, and referring, in this instance, to symbols, the authors wrote, ‘…reaching into the viscera of humankind,’ a phrase which struck me forcibly – and which, to my mind, encapsulates beautifully what Vasey and Vincent have achieved in their writing. Part intellectual journey, part esoteric exploration, at all times eminently readable, this short book takes us on a voyage of discovery through the deep seas of The Tree of Life, symbolism, Tarot, planets/metals, numerology, astrology, psychology, and alchemy. Centring upon the Great Work – a concept which can be understood both exoterically and esoterically – the chapters examine, in commendable depth and detail, the manifold connections contained within these two triangles, six sides and
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