My Haunted Life IV: Ghosts of the Philippines

Welcome to a new collection of tales of horror and the paranormal, this time set in the Philippines. I have never been to the Philippines, yet I have read and seen on YouTube and the like many scary and truly horrific stories of the paranormal. It is as if the country has its own version of it with strange cryptids, a history of death and horrors during World War II as well as its own myths and legends regarding ghosts and spirits. In this volume, we capture many of these themes. In fact, as I wrote this, I checked Wikipedia to find an almost endless list of mythological creatures of the Philippines that it has its own page!

Filipino folklore is passed on from generation to generation and with over 140 ethnic groups in the region, these myths and tales of horror and strangeness are as varied as you can possibly imagine. Maybe it’s the location itself – after all there are 7,640 islands making up this archipelago surrounded by the Pacific Ocean comprising great plains, mountainous regions, deep dark jungles and wonderful endless white sand beaches. Despite being the 12th most populated country in the world, there are plenty of remote hidden places where cryptids can hide far from a human gaze.

So, it’s no wonder that there are so many stories, myths and legends originating from the country. We could likely fill volumes with them. However, I selected some of the better stories, encounters and tales for this book starting with a glimpse of one of those cryptids – the Kapre. I hope you enjoy.