HOW TO CREATE YOUR OWN REALITY.: Becoming the new you
Imagine having the ability to define your own future?
Your thoughts and your passions hold the keys to creating a new you. Through your dreams, imagination and ideas, you can create a new and successful life. You can set out in fresh directions in ways that you never thought possible. It will be a case of small steps to begin with… but soon, you will flourish and find in you the person you always wanted to be.
With HOW TO CREATE YOUR OWN REALITY.:Becoming the new you – you will read about proven techniques to change your life for the better. You will gain insight into personal life improvement methods and you will have the opportunity to harness great powers that will help you redefine your future and overcome the obstacles you face in your everyday life.
So, what are you waiting for? Aren’t you ready to take a big step into a new life?
HOW TO CREATE YOUR OWN REALITY.: Becoming the new you by G. Michael Vasey – the website
How To Buy The Book
Available as a paperback or Kindle ebook on any Amazon website. Coming soon as an audiobook.
ISBN-10: 0996197206
ISBN-13: 978-0996197205
How To Create Your Own Reality Reviews
It's difficult to really describe this masterful little tome. At only 70 pages, it would appear presumptuous to state that by the end you will know everything about Western Magik that you really need. As an accessible primer, however, it wins hands down, avoiding all of the pitfalls of the new-age "wish fulfillment peddlars" whilst handing over the most important keys for a life rooted in practical magik. If you are looking for a step-by-step guide, you will be disappointed. Vasey opens the box, but, rightly, does not impose specific systems to be followed. It is up to the reader to find a system that works for them. The book is peppered with anecdotal examples of why the practice of Magik should become part of all our lives. Whether we are ready to hear it, of course, is another matter entirely. - Reviewer on
This was a great book! Easy to read. You feel his passion for truth. I have read most of the books written by Maxwell Maltz, Joseph Murphy, Eckhart Tolle, Neale Donald Walsh, all the teachers of the Secret and so many others on my own quest for truth over the last decade. This one should be taught to our youth. If we all took responsibility, as the author discusses, the world would be a much better place. The section on meditation was well written with excellent examples for the beginner or someone like myself who has been meditating for years. In my search on Kindle for spiritual and self help books I came across this gem of a book. Read it all the way through and if you're lucky, you'll grasp the deeper meaning within it and come away realizing the power we have and how to use it. - Reviewer on