Is Truth Relative?
The truth. We hear these two little words quite often. Two very important little words they are too. There are all types of truths and many of us spend our lives seeking truth. I once wrote, and indeed use it on my Facebook page, that the older I get the less I think I know about anything. Another way to say this would be that the older I get, the less I am certain of any truth – at least in the absolute sense. I don’t know what I am, nor what my purpose is. I don’t know what the Universe is nor its purpose – if there even is one. If there was, would I comprehend? These are the questions that I ask and the answers I seek in
Read More »Dead Birds, Fish & WikiLeaks – Pandora’s Box Has Been Opened.
All the stories recently about dead birds and fish seem to suit those who believe that the “Rapture” is to take place this coming May (and end of the worldists too). I want to comment with a different view. Actually, if you Google on this stuff it happens quite often for a variety of usually quite natural and normal reasons. CNN picked up the initial story and predictably interested people started tying in other events around the globe. Its like the CNN article provoked a massive (and predictable) interest in so called signs of the end of things. Well – you find what you look for and, in common with other conspiracy theories, you can really start to convince yourself something strange is happening. I have a theory that CNN
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