Sowing Warmth – By Sue Vincent
This post by my very good friend, Sue Vincent, really had me thinking this morning and seems very apt for a Sunday post… If you enjoy it please pop over to her blog and catch a few more insightful thoughts from Sue and her friends… There was a road closure on the way to work, so, to avoid the build-up of traffic, I took to the back streets, wending my way through a residential area and passing the house in which we had first lived when we moved south. To let oncoming cars pass, I pulled to one side, almost outside our old home, and was able to see what had become of my garden. It had been a blank canvas when we had moved in, with nothing but
Read More »The Hexagram
I’m unsure how many people may have read the book The Mystical Hexagram by myself and Sue Vincent, but I am sure its less than 100. Even I will describe the book as a strange tome but packed with magical information. The book came about as a result of my utter obsession with this occult symbol. While I was finishing the Servants of the Light first degree course, I kept on seeing the symbol in meditation. The inner contact that I had developed kept leaving me with tantalizing scraps of wisdom about it too. I found myself doodling hexagrams and pondering the correspondences of it. I recall one weekend retreat led by Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki in which I showed her this huge diagram of the symbol and everything I could possibly
Read More »The Mystical Hexagram – 2nd Edition
This weekend, the paperback and kindle versions of The Mystical Hexagram – 2nd Edition became available. The book is a joint project with prolific author Sue Vincent, who incidentally designed the beautiful new cover. An additional chapter is contained in the book along with some tidying up and corrections. Overall, I am very pleased with the new version. The book originates as a follow up to Inner Journeys – my first book that outlines how I found the Servants of The Light School, went through its 5-year course and emerged a different person complete with an inner contact I came to know as Asteroth. For several years, I continued to meditate and guided by that inner contact, discovered that the hexagram is a key to unlocking the potential of may
Read More »A Hopelessly Addicted Scribbler
Yesterday, I received an email from one of my readers. He had just read my latest Kindle book and was giving me some feedback. However, he was also asking a question – When will you finish the sequel to The Last Observer? That is a good question actually…. You see, I am an addicted scribbler. I get ideas for books all of the time and off I go pursuing it. Right now, I am working on two ideas simultaneously. One is too early to divulge but it will be a Kindle short ghost stories book – but different! The other came to me last night as I read old blog posts and it is actually almost finished already. I just need to edit, organize and add a bit to it…
Read More »Coming Soon – The Mystical Hexagram – 2nd Edition
I am very pleased to be able to say that there will be a 2nd Edition in the coming weeks of The Mystical Hexagram by Sue Vincent and myself. It will feature an all new cover, some additional content, some edits to the original content and will appear on the Asteroth’s Books publisher marque. The Mystical Hexagram is something of a ‘received’ text in part as much of the content came through meditation on the hexagram over a period of several years. It also features a set of exercises that are based on that received material to provide readers with a feel for the symbol themselves. The original edition of the book has received good reviews and feedback so we do hope the new edition will be equally well though
Read More »Works In Progress Blog Hop
Sue Vincent kindly nominated me for the works in progress blog hop. The instructions are as follows, Link back to the person who nominated you. Write a little about and give the first few lines of your first three chapters from your WIP. Nominate some other writers to do the same. First, a word about Sue Vincent. Sue writes quite a bit about a variety of things and has even co-authored a book with me! She has written about dogs, foxes, esoteric sites in Albion, hexagrams and much, much more…. take a look. My work in progress is actually going to be my next Kindle book called ‘Wizards, Warlocks And Magicians: Incredible True Stories of Magic and Sorcery‘. Currently its with my editor and soon will appear with appropriate fanfare
Read More »How to make a living as a writer
A few days ago I wrote about not being a writer but being a storyteller, here friend and co-author of The Mystical Hexagram, Sue Vincent, talks about being a writer……
Read More »Subconscious Creation?
Around 95% of our brain activity is said to be the unconscious mind. That means I am only 5% conscious. If this is true, and I have no doubt that it is, what does it actually mean? The subconscious mind is like a tape recorder where I can set up a bunch of activities and then run it over and over again. It’s a sort of set of automated routines running in background that maintain bodily functions and habits. It is also often our adversary. Through my mind, I create my reality. But if 95% of my thoughts are subconscious and I am unaware of them or they are accidentally or purposely programmed responses like fear and flight, my reality will be chaotic and might even be a total nightmare.
Read More »Independence Weekend Giveaway!
July 4th is Independence Day for some and to celebrate that fact I have set up my book Astral Messages as a FREE Kindle book for 5-days over that weekend. Don’t forget to grab your copy of Astral Messages on Kindle this coming weekend. Astral Messages uses poems and blog articles from my long standing blog – Asteroth’s Domain – in a discussion of reality and magic. We are all magicians willfully creating our realities and this selection demonstrates how this touches all aspects of our lives – yes, even our socks! There is a depth and openness to beauty in the poetry, a realisation of the multi-levelled nature of reality and perception in the prose… and already it shadows the thread of magic woven through this little book. Every
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