Parallel Worlds, Aliens, Conspiracy and Life
Since I was knee high to a grasshopper I have wondered ‘what the hell is this all about?’ I mean this. The world, life and everything. It’s always been transparent to me that all is not what it seems. That ‘this’ really is an illusion – Maya. But what am I? Why do I exist? What’s the point? These questions often have plagued me and last night as I laid in bed I couldn’t sleep wondering yet again over these and similar questions. My problem was that I had been browsing the internet! There are all sorts of ideas out there. Not just ideas but ‘creations’ if you want where someone – probably asking the same questions I am asking – decided on making some answers. I read amongst other
Read More »Six Weird Statements About Reality
Quantum physics – have you taken any time at all to see what quantum physicists are saying about reality? You should because it is totally bizarre. Check out these 6 statements. If quantum mechanics hasn’t profoundly shocked you, you haven’t understood it yet. Niels Bohr [T]he atoms or elementary particles themselves are not real; they form a world of potentialities or possibilities rather than one of things or facts.” Werner Heisenberg Observations not only disturb what is to be measured, they produce it. Pascual Jordan When the province of physical theory was extended to encompass microscopic phenomena through the creation of quantum mechanics, the concept of consciousness came to the fore again. It was not possible to formulate the laws of quantum mechanics in a fully consistent way without reference
Read More »Just Today
Have you ever wondered if today is, in fact, the only day of your ‘life’? Ever since I was a young child, I have puzzled over reality. As I have mentioned many times, in Inner Journeys, I talk about how as a young boy, I really felt like this wasn’t real and that I was in a booth somewhere looking through some glasses and experiencing life as a ‘virtual reality’ game. Back then there was no virtual reality of course. Later, at school, I couldn’t quite understand how I could be just a bunch of atoms floating around in space! What kept me together? How did I know which atoms where mine? and many many other questions. Other kids thought I was a bit weird. Probably they were right. I
Read More »Meet Zeltan
Zeltan is the leader of a black magic lodge in the The Last Observer. His intent is to change reality – our reality – to something different, something evil and sinister. A reality also desired by his master – the Lord of the Elements. Zeltan’s Lodge of the Elements consists of rich, powerful and famous people who use their powers to to get richer, stay powerful and be more famous. The Lodge is loosely modeled on the satanic FOGC Lodge from Franz Bardon’s Frabato. In fact, there is quite a bit of Bardon influence in the book. As Gordon Strong says in his review “We all perceive reality differently, yet the evil Zeltan plans to control the universal consciousness. Because Stanley possesses a unique imagination, he is marked as another
Read More »What if I were a Wizard….
I was thinking today (dangerous activity in of itself), what would it be like to be a wizard. Yes, a wizard. Like Gandalf except maybe not so hairy! Would I use my power wisely? Would using my power for good be actually good? And, more importantly, what would I do to those BMW drivers that push me out the way lights flashing aggressively in my mirror? If you had that kind of power and you intervened for good – you know, cured someone of a terminal disease or something – would that actually be good? What would happen to the karma? I recall reading something by Franz Bardon about this. He did some healing and he had to deal with the karma issue too. It would seem that is was
Read More »Inner Journeys – The Foreword By Dolores
The foreword for my first book – Inner Journeys: Explorations of the Soul (Thoth, 2005) was kindly written by Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki. For those of you that have never seen it, here it is……. When one enters a school for spiritual training there will always be a time of apprehension. What will it be like, what will I be asked to do, will I be able to cope? In actual fact 90% of students find all their questions answered within a few weeks and settle down to their studies with varying degrees of enthusiasm punctuated by the odd moments of boredom. Studying the occult is like any other study, you have good and bad days, some parts are interesting and others make you want to throw your papers out of the
Read More »Life….
I think I am like my Mum – emotional. Sometimes, I find life to be sad. Its like a tread mill that we all work until finally its over. People die and its sad. People hate and carry hatred with them and its sad. You wonder – at least I do – what have I contributed? What have I achieved? What was it all about anyway? I have my own answers to these questions but I still feel like life is often a sad experience. Its this that keeps me questioning the nature of existence. And ultimately returning to the conclusions that I must first look inwards for the answers.
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